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. If you feel ill and think you might have COVID-19 or if you have tested positive for COVID-19, please stay home and follow the [guidance of the Centers... evention (CDC)]( for isolation an... been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19 but do not have any symptoms and have not tested
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/stable/20024652),” _Daedalus_ 109, no. 1 (Winter 1980) * Alexis de Tocqueville, "[Book Two, Section 1... akamura1995.html),” _Works and Days_ 13, no. 1–2 (1995) * John Perry Barlow, “[A Declaration of the In... e-independence),” Electronic Frontier Foundation (1996) #### 1c/ Structurelessness * Fred Turner, "[... ble/41035187),” Berkeley Journal of Sociology 17 (1972) #### 1d/ Iron laws * Aaron Shaw and Benjamin
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due: April 3 * Project beta version due: April 19 * Debugging comments due: April 24 * Final pr... s 1 and 2]( (1984) * Stewart Brand, "['Keep Designing': How the... cking/eslf0006.txt)", _Whole Earth Magazine_ (May 1985); too bad the first letter of every line is mis...,"​ _Phrack_ 1, no. 7 (1986) * Paul Graham, "[Hackers and Painters](http:
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Gender, and Cultural Politics_ (South End Press, 1990) ### Identity _Humans_: "[Identity](https://o... for Multi-User Online Environments (Before COVID-19)](" (2020) ... computer-lib-dream-machines/page/n131/mode/2up)_ (1974) Quest: Use a piece of pre-Internet social-med... N37_gUqrDd4FYDFYXQAmYuXtsBAfaDLo47Im-Kk/edit#) (2019) Quest: Outline an original social-media activis
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* November 8 * _Global Media Giants_: Chapter 19 (South Asia) & 20 (East Asia and China) * Pro