Fulltext results:
- hacker_culture_s2018
- Academy](https://www.colorado.edu/academicfutures/2017/12/20/future-casting-cu-boulder-first-public-univ... CU Boulder Academic Futures Whitepaper (December 2017) **Exploit: Teach yourself a bit of a computer l... od-and-start-painting/)," _Hyperallergic_ (June 1,2017) * Gabriella Coleman, "The Craft and Craftiness... al-name-fallacy/)," The Coral Project (January 5, 2017) * LA Crypto Crew, "[How to Become Anonymous On
- screen_devices
- Harvard Graduate School of Education (August 21, 2017) * Susan Dynarski, "[Laptops Are Great. But Not... a Lecture or a Meeting.](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/22/business/laptops-not-during-lecture-or-meeting.html)," _The New York Times_ (November 22, 2017) * Reynol Junco, "[In-class multitasking and ac... the-classroom/)," _Scientific American_ (July 11, 2017) * Penny Van Bergen, Emma Burns, and Hua-Chen W
- connected_media_practices
- sexandstartups/zebrasfix-c467e55f9d96)" (March 8, 2017) ### Reciprocity (9/30) * Ferrier and Mays: "[B... %20Attwood-Charles.pdf)," _Sociology Compass_ 11 (2017) * Yochai Benkler, "[Peer Producton, the Commons,... 7016652606)," _Strategic Organization_ 15, no. 2 (2017) ### Guest visit (10/7) ### Nonprofitism (10/14... rofit Industrial Complex_ (Duke University Press, 2017) * Nathan Schneider, "[An Internet of Ownership:
- media_activism
- s-by-zeynep-tufekci.pdf)_ (Yale University Press, 2017) * Sasha Costanza-Chock, _[Design Justice: Comm... sm in Indonesia](https://doi.org/10.1080/14672715.2017.1341188)," _Critical Asian Studies_ 49, no. 3 (2017) * Zizi Papacharissi, "[Affective Publics and Str
- hacker_culture
- les/the-public-interest-hack/)," _limn_ (February 2017) **Exploit: Set a valuable piece of information ... 652606)," _Strategic Organization_ 15, no. 2 (May 2017) * Lana Swartz, "[Blockchain Dreams: Imagining ... of Crisis_, ed. Manuel Castells, 82-105 (Polity, 2017) **Exploit: Devise a tool that disrupts a gateke
- future_histories_of_technology
- e, Fact, and Fiction](https://web.archive.org/web/20171004021016/http://drbfw5wfjlxon.cloudfront.net/wri... ure We Live In](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/11/accelerationism-how-a-fringe-philosophy-pr... -the-future-we-live-in)," _The Guardian_ (May 11, 2017) * Ruha Benjamin, "[Introduction: Discriminatory
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- sexandstartups/zebrasfix-c467e55f9d96)" (March 8, 2017) #### 12. Disruptive citizenship * Maria Mazzuc
- global_media_literacy
- t Wasko (eds.), _Global Media Giants_ (Routledge, 2017) We continue by looking more in depth at the med