# Campus resources If you find yourself in a position where lack of access to food, housing, health care, or other basic necessities interferes with your studies, there are support resources on campus. Please know your instructor is available to discuss these issues with you. Campus resources include: * [The Dean of Students website](https://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/deanofstudents) is an excellent starting point for resources available to students * [Free mental health counseling](https://www.colorado.edu/counseling/) is available for students * [Conflict Management](https://www.colorado.edu/sccr/conflict-management) provides a range of resources for those experiencing interpersonal issues, including mediation services * [Food Assistance](https://www.colorado.edu/volunteer/about-food-assistance) can assist any students experiencing food insecurity * [Student Emergency Fund](https://www.colorado.edu/studentaffairs/student-emergency-fund) supports students in financial need * [Suicide Prevention](https://www.colorado.edu/resources/suicide-prevention) hotline is available 24/7