MDST 5002
Depending on whom you ask, media-powered activism can sound like either a silver bullet or a lost cause. It's often both at the same time and more in between. Through examining the strategies and tactics of movements, past and present, we'll discover how media can shape social change and how we can become more savvy media practitioners ourselves.
The central challenge of this course is to develop a working theory of how social change can happen and the role of media in it. When is spreading a message sufficient, and when is building institutional power necessary? How can we design media with accountability to affected people? How can we tell stories of change that invite people to take part in changing the world? Our work will consist of close reading, forming a space of mutual support, and honing our own practice in collaboration with community partners.
Nathan Schneider (he/him)
Armory 1B24
Office hours Wednesdays 3–5 pm or by appointment
As a foundation for all else, students are expected to complete the weekly reading assignments. This does not necessarily mean microscopic reading of every page, but it does mean engaging rigorously with portions of particular interest, as well as familiarizing oneself with the works as a whole and thinking critically about their interconnections. Come to class prepared with notes on specific quotations and ideas that you want to discuss.
Most weeks, students turn in an Intervention. These Interventions are simple, informal multimedia sketches that contain a) a challenge or problem related to the week's texts and b) an outline for an original strategy that addresses it. Interventions need not be realistic for students to carry out; students may imagine themselves as representing better-resourced organizations, real or imaginary. The purpose of this assignment is to explore our own sense of agency and to exercise adventuresome thinking. Over the course of the semester, a student's Interventions may address various topics, or they can connect in a way that builds toward the final project.
Interventions may take the form of a drawing, infographic, game, video, skit, text, art installation, business plan, social media campaign, or other media, digital or otherwise. In any case, they must be submitted digitally as a new thread in the appropriate discussion topic for each week's unit. They should amount to the equivalent of one interesting page's worth of material. Each Intervention should:
Students are invited to view and comment on each other's Interventions on Canvas. They will also help guide our class discussions each week.
Students should be active participants and make contributions to the oral discussion that reflect strenuous engagement with the assigned texts. Come prepared to contribute original analysis, reflections, and critique.
Evaluation of discussion contributions takes place twice: at the middle of the semester and at the end. Students are expected to:
Participation in all sessions is an expectation for the course. Full or partial absences from class, due to circumstances beyond the student's control, should be discussed with the instructor in advance.
Before the end of each evaluation period, you are welcome to propose the grade you think you have earned with a one-paragraph explanation, in the relevant assignment in Canvas. The instructor will determine final grade, taking your input into account.
Each student will complete a final project that is ready to deploy upon completion, in partnership with a relevant organization, community, or mentor. Projects might consist of any sort of media intervention appropriate to the student's social-change goals. Projects do not need to be publicly released, but they should be plausibly ready for doing so. Accountability to partners is paramount; it is natural and expected that the project will evolve through the dynamics of collaboration.
After discussing the topic with the instructor, students will turn in a proposal that explains and justifies the project's objective and medium. The proposal, as well as the final project itself, should reflect a sophisticated grasp of the themes and texts of the course. In particular, projects should convey an analysis of power and agency through which they intervene, resulting in a plausible case for making meaningful social change.
Students will constructively review complete drafts of each other's projects before submitting the final draft. A project statement must be turned in with the final project, in both the draft and final stages, which may be a revised and updated reworking of the proposal.
Based on the stated point structure, grades will be awarded as follows: A (94-100), A- (90-93), B+ (87-89), B (83-86), B- (80-82), C+ (77-79), C (73-76), C- (70-72), D+ (67-69), D (63-66), D- (60-62), F (0-59). The minimum passing grade is 60 for undergraduates and 70 for graduate students.
Extensions under extenuating circumstances are possible by arrangement with the instructor prior to the due date; otherwise, late work is subject to a penalty of one letter grade per day.
Generative AI is permitted but should be credited as such and must not serve as a substitute for doing your own thinking and work.
Throughout the course we will be reading classics in social-change theory alongside two free, open-access books by leading media scholars:
In addition, we will read and discuss other shorter works as well.
By this time, consult with instructor on final project topic.
Choose an historical example of a social movement from Beautiful Trouble, Beautiful Rising, or the Global Nonviolent Action Database. Consider it in light of the book we just read. Do some additional research to examine the mediated components of it, and prepare to present an analysis in class as your Intervention.
Project proposal due; no Intervention.
Choose an historical example of a social movement from Beautiful Trouble, Beautiful Rising, or the Global Nonviolent Action Database. Consider it in light of the book we just read. Do some additional research to examine the mediated components of it, and prepare to present an analysis in class as your Intervention.
Be prepared to discuss lessons from your final project in class.
Final projects due; no Intervention.