Fulltext results:
- gould
- 't reflect gaps in the data; it is the data. They also said--and here we move from the pattern to the th... ecies faster than the animal-dispersed ones. Note also that the critical quantity here--speciation rate-... laces brilliant. This is Gould at his best. It is also, not coincidentally, Gould on one of the themes n... s might be due to species selection, but it might also be due to a number of other processes, including
- hacker_culture_s2018
- nturesomeness of their thinking, not their girth. Also: do not break the law. ### Objective 2: Teach W... p://www.paulgraham.com/hp.html)" (May 2003) * Also, don't miss: Hrag Vartanian, "[Putin Says Hackers... inning Story, Set in a Future Where Economics Are Also Humane](https://io9.gizmodo.com/read-the-into-the
- religion_in_american_life
- --some you've heard of, some you haven't. We will also explore the *forms of encounter* that are constan... project includes not only a finished product but also the process of draft and revision that should be
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- to enlarge their entrepreneurial repertoires, but also to experience fresh trepidation about disruption'... the means of its financing and growth. Be sure to also consider its potential social effects. Students
- introduction_to_social_media
- ily to study the whole thing. Some weeks we will also have a guest speaker. Please plan to familiarize ... e of your own identity; utilize not only text but also images, video, or audio ### Old to new media _H
- academic_honesty
- stly in the learning process. Academic dishonesty also includes, but is not limited to, providing false ... erience and readiness for a future career. It can also have significant disciplinary consequences. Ther
- university_policies
- for a screen via the MyCUHealth Portal. You can also learn about other student wellness resources [her... (303) 443-8500 * Free and unlimited telehealth is also available through [Academic Live Care](https://ww
- hacker_culture
- adings, print them out, and bring them to class. Also, be ready for a more practice-oriented time. Plan... ith at least one assigned source]] from the week. Also: do not break the law. Bounty rubric: * Clear
- syntax @wiki
- osmblinks'] = ''; ==== Image Links ==== You can also use an image to link to another internal or exter... ndention for deeper levels - That's it </code> Also take a look at the [[doku>faq:lists|FAQ on list i
- scholarly_sources
- can come up in normal Web searches, but there are also dedicated search tools that can help facilitate f
- technology_requirements
- ch as .txt, .md, .odt, .odp, .png, or .svg. I can also accept .pdf, .docx, .pptx, and .rtf, though be aw
- screen_devices
- enefit, as empirical research suggests. There are also cognitive benefits to taking hand-written notes.
- class_etiquette
- ou keep the focus on the ideas, not the person. I also commit to honor your disagreement and not allow i
- email_etiquette
- udents, and I love helping my students succeed. I also love email, which is at least in theory an ownerl
- media_activism
- n each other's Interventions on Canvas. They will also help guide our class discussions each week. ###