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digital_culture_and_politics [2024/07/26 14:35]
ntnsndr First draft of Fall 2024 edit
digital_culture_and_politics [2024/11/14 13:34] (current)
ntnsndr [Peer review (weeks 12-14)]
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 <​nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> ​   <​nathan.schneider@colorado.edu> ​  
 Armory Building, 1B24    Armory Building, 1B24   
-Office hours: Wednesday at 4-5 p.m., or by appointment ([[:​email_etiquette|via email]]) ​  +Office hours: Wednesday at 3-5 p.m., or by appointment ([[:​email_etiquette|via email]]) ​  
 Website: [nathanschneider.info](https://​nathanschneider.info) Website: [nathanschneider.info](https://​nathanschneider.info)
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 The course proceeds through several major units, each designed to help inform the development of your research toward our class conference. The course proceeds through several major units, each designed to help inform the development of your research toward our class conference.
-## After democracy? ​(weeks 1-2)+## Naming our questions ​(weeks 1-2)
 To help us develop our research questions, we will read together a short book by a prominent media scholar, available through the campus library: To help us develop our research questions, we will read together a short book by a prominent media scholar, available through the campus library:
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 **Week 5**: Add 5 more sources (including both scholarly and primary) to your bibliography that fill in gaps you have identified in your preliminary reading list **Week 5**: Add 5 more sources (including both scholarly and primary) to your bibliography that fill in gaps you have identified in your preliminary reading list
-*By the end of this unit, produce a well-honed research question based on gaps you observe in the existing literature. You will present your research ​questions ​in class.*+*By the end of this unit, produce a well-honed research question based on gaps you observe in the existing literature. You will present your research ​question ​in class.*
 ## Research methods (weeks 6-9) ## Research methods (weeks 6-9)
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 *At the end of this unit, turn in your extended abstract based on your preliminary research.* *At the end of this unit, turn in your extended abstract based on your preliminary research.*
-## Rethinking (weeks 10-11)+## Rethinking ​everything ​(weeks 10-11)
 Just when you thought you knew what you were doing, we will consider a collection of theoretical perspectives from outside the Global North. Do these invite us to rethink our framing and findings? Just when you thought you knew what you were doing, we will consider a collection of theoretical perspectives from outside the Global North. Do these invite us to rethink our framing and findings?
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 *During this unit, focus on drafting your conference paper.* *During this unit, focus on drafting your conference paper.*
-## Writing and review (weeks 12-14)+## Peer review (weeks 12-14)
 Finally, as we revise and reflect on the politics of the season, we will read something together, to be determined based on our shared discussions and how the political season proceeds. Finally, as we revise and reflect on the politics of the season, we will read something together, to be determined based on our shared discussions and how the political season proceeds.
-**Week 12**: TBD+**Week 12**: Paper drafting
 *Distribute the complete, anonymized draft of your paper.* *Distribute the complete, anonymized draft of your paper.*
-**Week 13**: TBD+**Week 13**: Anne Norton, _[Wild Democracy: Anarchy, Courage, and Ruling the Law](https://​academic-oup-com.colorado.idm.oclc.org/​book/​45531)_ (Oxford University Press, 2023) [read 5-6 chapters whose titles interest you]
 **Week 14**: Conference **Week 14**: Conference