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digital_culture_and_politics [2024/10/01 13:48]
ntnsndr [Literature review (weeks 3-5)]
digital_culture_and_politics [2024/11/14 13:34] (current)
ntnsndr [Peer review (weeks 12-14)]
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 Finally, as we revise and reflect on the politics of the season, we will read something together, to be determined based on our shared discussions and how the political season proceeds. Finally, as we revise and reflect on the politics of the season, we will read something together, to be determined based on our shared discussions and how the political season proceeds.
-**Week 12**: TBD+**Week 12**: Paper drafting
 *Distribute the complete, anonymized draft of your paper.* *Distribute the complete, anonymized draft of your paper.*
-**Week 13**: TBD+**Week 13**: Anne Norton, _[Wild Democracy: Anarchy, Courage, and Ruling the Law](https://​academic-oup-com.colorado.idm.oclc.org/​book/​45531)_ (Oxford University Press, 2023) [read 5-6 chapters whose titles interest you]
 **Week 14**: Conference **Week 14**: Conference