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digital_culture_and_politics [2024/11/14 13:19]
ntnsndr [Peer review (weeks 12-14)]
digital_culture_and_politics [2024/11/14 13:34] (current)
ntnsndr [Peer review (weeks 12-14)]
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 *Distribute the complete, anonymized draft of your paper.* *Distribute the complete, anonymized draft of your paper.*
-**Week 13**: Anne Norton, _[Wild Democracy: Anarchy, Courage, and Ruling the Law](https://​academic-oup-com.colorado.idm.oclc.org/​book/​45531)_ (Oxford University Press, 2023) [read 4-6 chapters whose titles interest you]+**Week 13**: Anne Norton, _[Wild Democracy: Anarchy, Courage, and Ruling the Law](https://​academic-oup-com.colorado.idm.oclc.org/​book/​45531)_ (Oxford University Press, 2023) [read 5-6 chapters whose titles interest you]
 **Week 14**: Conference **Week 14**: Conference