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ctives * Cultivate habits of media activism by doing it through passionate, strategic, pragmatic advoc... released, but they should be plausibly ready for doing so. Accountability to partners is paramount; it i... ed as such and must not serve as a substitute for doing your own thinking and work. ## Agreements * W
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cise your capacity to influence the world without doing it as you. ### 9. Security * Andrea Peterson,... tekeeper.** What is in the way of something worth doing? What systems do you encounter that are needlessl... e of the originators to sell out. Reflect on what doing that feels like, and consider what the consequenc
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airs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel comfortable doing so, your instructor. We will work to assist you h... 11) Just when you thought you knew what you were doing, we will consider a collection of theoretical per
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tekeeper.** What is in the way of something worth doing? What systems do you encounter that are needlessl... he powers that be. Reflect on the consequences of doing so. ### 14. Mastery Debug the final project wi
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learly on impolite subjects, and then we will try doing so for ourselves. ### Objectives * Through r... t is fairly straightforward, and you won't regret doing so. ## What will be expected To the extent pos
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ed as such and must not serve as a substitute for doing your own thinking and work. Based on the stated
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onstructive feedback for peers is a powerful art. Doing it well means giving the gift of a new perspectiv
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can thrive. Our question for you is, *how are we doing?* Please contact Please contact the CMCI divers
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airs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel comfortable doing so, your instructor. We will work to assist you h
1 Hits, Last modified:
airs/deanofstudents) and, if you feel comfortable doing so, your instructor. We will work to assist you h
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tion techniques. The following are some tips for doing citations appropriately: * Identify your genre
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n the readings intended to ensure that we are all doing each other the courtesy of keeping up. **20 poin