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: * Research plan: 10/14 * Whitepaper draft: 11/22 * Complete whitepaper peer reviews: 11/25 * Whitepaper final: 12/9 ## Units The core text fo... onomic History](," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2... repreneurship](, _Organization_ 12, no. 2 (20
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ttp:// ttp://," _The Atlantic_ (Novem... ttp:// ttp://
4 Hits, Last modified:," _World Futures Review_ 7,... ve In](," _The Guardian_ (May 11, 2017) * Ruha Benjamin, "[Introduction: Discrimin...," _New Media & Society_ (Mar
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rd-what-is-code/)" _Bloomberg Businessweek_ (June 11, 2015) * Eric Steven Raymond and Rick Moen, "[H...," TED (Apr 27, 2011) * Maddy Crowell, "[The Hacker](https://www.cjr... determine whether they're worth the trouble. ### 11. Disintermediation * Yochai Benkler, "[Peer Pr... s, and the Future of the Firm](," _Strategic Organization_ 15
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15-paul-ford-what-is-code/)" _Businessweek_ (June 11, 2015) * _[How to DiscoTech](https://alliedmedi...," _New Political Scienc... tereotype](," _New Media & Society_ 18, n... lly free. Show us what you can come up with. ### 11. Money * Satoshi Nakamoto, "[Bitcoin open sour
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ss Media Ethics_ (New York: Routledge. 2009), pp. 115-129. **Need a strong reading on journalistic et... , "[What Is Art For?](" _... eware_online_filter_bubbles),'" TED Talk (March 2011) * nina de jesus, "[The Filter Bubble Is a Misg... rir Square](," _Journal of Com
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and Networked Counterpublics](," _Journal of Communication_ 65, no. 6 (2015) * Merlyna Lim, "[Freedom to Hate: Socia... donesia](," _Critical Asian Studies_ 49, no. 3 (2017) ... Events and Mediality](," _Information, Communication, an
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ry research.* ## Rethinking everything (weeks 10-11) Just when you thought you knew what you were do... outledge India, 2022) **Week 10**: Ch. 1 **Week 11**: Read two chapters from the book on your own an
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cture or a Meeting.]( -in-the-classroom/)," _Scientific American_ (July 11, 2017) * "[The Digital Native Is a Myth](https:
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# Disruptive Entrepreneurship **MDST 2011** *Disruption* has become a hallowed achievement in contem... ation: 1600 to 2100](," _Ribbonfarm_ (June 8, 2011) * Jessica Livingston, "[Grow the Puzzle Around Y... onomic History](," _Journal of Economic History_ 7, no. 2
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s_: Mailer ### The Secular City * _America_: 11 * _Radiant Truths_: Le Sueur ### Paranoid Sty