Fulltext results:
- hacker_culture_s2018
- on of the course is as follows: * Objective 0: 25 points * impressive listening and contributio... iscoTech facilitation (5 points) * Objective 3: 25 points * project proposal (2 points) * co... st-manifesto/)_ (Network Notebooks, 2010), pp. 20-25, 33-43 * Part One in Trebor Scholz and Nathan S... igital-republic)," _The New Yorker_ (December 18--25, 2017) **Exploit: Devise a tool that disrupts a
- introduction_to_social_media
- ipation in class sessions. ### In-class quizzes (25%) Class meetings will generally include a short ... e lowest quiz grade will be dropped. ### Quests (25%) In and out of class, we will use a private, se... f our shared discussion. ### The missing how-to (25%) Around the midterm, students will produce a ho... article=KB0067567#share-cloud). ### Pitch video (25%) The final project for the course is a 5--6 min
- connected_media_practices
- d be prepared to share in class a *Connection* **(25%)**, which includes: * a sketch, in text or i... t: 11/22 * Complete whitepaper peer reviews: 11/25 * Whitepaper final: 12/9 ## Units The core te... iew/4764) ([HTML](https://loriemerson.net/2016/06/25/as-if-or-using-media-archaeology-to-reimagine-pas
- global_media_literacy
- ule * August 23 * Introductions * August 25 * Bring a list of 3 media entities (material ... oject 2 presentations: South America * October 25 * _Global Media Giants_: Chapter 16 (The Midd... November 17 * _Global Media Giants_: Chapter 25 (Amazon.com) * Project 3: topic approval due
- media_and_the_public
- ation Grades will be determined as follows: * 25 points - quality and persistence of in-class participation * 25 points - quality and persistence of participation... tp://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2015/08/20/432590298/how-black-reporters-report-on-black-death),"... ership/article_56.jsp)," _openDemocracy_ (October 25, 2001) * Benjamin Compaine, "[The myths of encr
- hacker_culture
- l bounty per day. ### Objective 0: Contribute *25 points* Computers count from zero, so hackers do... k's Exploit (5 points) ### Objective 3: Master *25 points* Become a goon. The final project for thi... [Neptune Frost](https://colorado.kanopy.com/node/12574154)_ (2021) * Fernanda R. Rosa, "[From Commun
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- ces from the course ### Phase three: Whitepaper *25 percent* At the conclusion of the course, studen... merely-collateral-damage-cae17f6d3379)" (February 25, 2021) #### 5. Endgames * Peter Thiel with Blak... e Future](https://libcat.colorado.edu/Record/b11042512)_, chapters 4-5 (Crown Currency, 2014) * Cory D... [Neptune Frost](https://colorado.kanopy.com/node/12574154)_ (2021) #### 11. Disrupting capital * Ric
- media_activism
- https://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/29314925/Public_Narrative_Collective_Action_and_Power.pdf)... 1548-1360.2010.01061.x)," _Cultural Anthropology_ 25, no. 2 (May 2010) * Walidah Imarisha, "[All Org
- digital_culture_and_politics
- ith one informative slide. *Formatted revision* (25 points) Submit a revised final draft using our sh
- screen_devices
- iencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360131512002254)," _Computers & Education_ 62 (March 2013) * C... s a Myth](https://www.nature.com/news/the-digital-native-is-a-myth-1.22363)," _Nature_ (July 25, 2017)
- gould
- End of a Beginning in Natural History" (Harmony; $25.95), he brought his monthly essays to a planned c