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syntax @wiki
43 Hits, Last modified:
erlined__ and ''monospaced'' texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these. DokuWiki su... lined__ and ''monospaced'' texts. Of course you can **__//''combine''//__** all these. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</su
18 Hits, Last modified:
Basically, students are expected to hack it. This can take different forms for different people. We'll ... scheduled meetings will help you get the most you can out of the course, and absence is not particularl... and its significance (5 points) * how others can go about learning it---what basic steps, what res... How are you already a hacker?** The word *hacker* can mean a lot of things. Although it has tended to b
15 Hits, Last modified:
the other of Evel Knievel.) Moreover, biologists can see gradual adaptive change happening around them... went, we're better off extrapolating from what we can see clearly now than trusting a fragmentary recor... side of punctuated equilibrium--that this pattern can be explained by two ideas. The first idea is that... lt: development is so tightly coordinated that it can't be easily tinkered with without breaking down e
12 Hits, Last modified:
scheduled meetings will help you get the most you can out of the course, and absence is not particularl... on Saturday morning. The format of the Exploits can vary based on the assignment. They might be prima... t software have most people forgotten about? What can it do that a fancy smartphone can't? Pay a [visit]( to the Media
9 Hits, Last modified:
ulty member in a timely manner so that your needs can be addressed. Disability Services determines acco... ho believe they have been subjected to misconduct can contact OIEC at 303-492-2127 or email [cureport@c... resolutions/making-report), and support resources can be found on the [OIEC website](http://www.colorad... tudent, you may experience a range of issues that can cause barriers to learning and living life to the
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eleases, simple templates for the expected format can be found here and here. For more inspiration, try..., "[Every Cook Can Govern: A Study of Democracy in Ancient Greece ... .html)" The difference between James and Whitman can be compared to a debate that one often finds in t... eal: * Marlisse Silver Sweeney, "[What the Law Can (and Can't) Do About Online Harassment](http://ww
7 Hits, Last modified:
Depending on whom you ask, media-powered activism can sound like either a silver bullet or a lost cause... ments, past and present, we'll discover how media can shape social change and how we can become more savvy media practitioners ourselves. The central chall... to develop a working theory of how social change can happen and the role of media in it. When is sprea
6 Hits, Last modified:
on Canvas, with a password provided in class. You can repeat the quiz in class if you like. Be sure to ... ovided list. Try it out, and learn everything you can about it from a variety of published sources. S... e a "cloud" recording with screen sharing on; you can then [share the video directly from Zoom](https:/... e a "cloud" recording with screen sharing on; you can then [share the video directly from Zoom](https:/
5 Hits, Last modified:
disruption involving networked digital media. It can advance business, social, or policy goals. In bet... in each analysis Entrepreneurship-related events can be found at the campus [Innovation & Entrepreneur... iarism and similar lapses in [[academic honesty]] can result in no credit for the assignment and referr... instructor. We will work to assist you however we can. ## Topics The course topics, like the assignm
4 Hits, Last modified:
f your citation format, make sure that the reader can ascertain, for a given piece of information, the ... it came, with enough information that the reader can double-check that source. * If you're citing on... ocument may be read on paper, ensure that readers can get a good sense of what and where the source doc... igorous in your use of citations—ensuring readers can find your sources as easily as possible—and consi
3 Hits, Last modified:
Notebooks may be in any persistent medium, so you can refer back to them for years to come. Here are so... e some approximation of the these sections (which can be adjusted with different names or purposes depe... instructor. We will work to assist you however we can. ## Agenda The course proceeds through several
3 Hits, Last modified:
* Identify a critical, scholarly perspective that can inform a work experience * Perform your internshi... in having such a handbook for their purposes, we can discuss adjusting the assignment to help it better suit their needs. All the better if it can be useful beyond just the assignment. ## Employe
2 Hits, Last modified:
gned objectives for each presentation Slideshows can be in any format, but turn them in (on D2L) using... n D2L. Further details on the content of the memo can be found below. **20 points** ### Grading Base
2 Hits, Last modified:
ce, it usually isn't hard. Peer-reviewed sources can come up in normal Web searches, but there are also dedicated search tools that can help facilitate finding scholarly publications:
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* What activities should not be graded? * How can we break each activity down to ensure it is grade... en? * What is a reasonable expectation for what can be accomplished each week? * If the pace isn't
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