Fulltext results:
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- n of the nature of the disruption and its broader context. This assignment is conducted in groups of 3-4, w... of the disruption, its economic and technological context, and the means of its financing and growth. Be su
- hacker_culture_s2018
- steps, what resources? (5 points) * cultural context and history that surrounds it, relation to hacker... e first letter of every line is missing * For context, read the section on Stewart Brand here: Fred Tur
- global_media_literacy
- strating a sophisticated grasp of its meaning and context; group presentations should be tightly integrated... ings and independent research * Communicate the context through phrasing and creative formatting—the inte
- internships
- s that you read. The length may vary depending on context, but a good target is about 2,000 words. Remember
- media_activism
- eliverables, including rationale for each, in the context of an explicit theory of change * Include str
- digital_culture_and_politics
- with different names or purposes depending on the context): * Introduction * Literature review * Methodolo
- engagement_with_assigned_sources
- h more. * *Interpreting part of the source out of context*. If a writer outlines an idea in order to argue
- connected_media_practices
- eve Jones, eds., _Society Online: The Internet in Context_ (Sage, 2003) * Jo Freeman, "[The Tyranny of Stru
- citation_standards
- mselves what standards they should use in a given context. By the end of one's education, one should be fam