Fulltext results:
- hacker_culture
- f access and power in the online economy? We will explore the contested figure of the hacker in the past, p... * We respect one another's privacy and freedom to explore. Content shared in the course, in class or online... te's HTML code to your computer and mess with it. Explore the possibilities of free culture, or what cultur... , or body, and test strategies for optimizing it. Explore creative, counter-intuitive possibilities. For in
- hacker_culture_s2018
- or a rejection of politics as we know it? We will explore the contested figure of the hacker in the past, p... * We respect one another's privacy and freedom to explore. Content shared in the course, in class or online... k and a Fairer Internet}}_ (OR Books, 2016) * Explore [The Internet of Ownership](https://ioo.coop) An... te's HTML code to your computer and mess with it. Explore the possibilities of free culture, or what cultur
- digital_culture_and_politics
- ction of democracy and digital life * Develop and explore an original research question on digital cultures... -5 potential research questions you might like to explore.* ## Literature review (weeks 3-5) To deepen our thinking about our research questions, we will explore what the existing literature does and doesn't alr
- future_histories_of_technology
- concepts relating to the future and technology * Explore critical perspectives on structures of power in t... * We respect one another's privacy and freedom to explore. Content shared in the course, in class or online
- religion_in_american_life
- e you've heard of, some you haven't. We will also explore the *forms of encounter* that are constantly happ... about the options, consult with the instructor or explore alternatives to commercial tools at [alternativet
- introduction_to_social_media
- acts are fairly extensive, and you're expected to explore as you like, not necessarily to study the whole t
- media_activism
- r imaginary. The purpose of this assignment is to explore our own sense of agency and to exercise adventure
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- the human impacts of disruptive change. Third, we explore a variety of strategies and shortcomings of disru
- connected_media_practices
- with a focus on journalism. Alongside it, we will explore critical and theoretical texts on related topics.
- media_and_the_public
- arterly_ (Winter 1983) ### Filters and bubbles Explore some of the debates about "filter bubbles" online