Fulltext results:
- hacker_culture_s2018
- orm our technological lives? Do hacker formations like Wikileaks, Anonymous, and open-source software re... then it's up to you how and to what degree you'd like to meet them. We will use two platforms to carry... t](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_format) you like. But the README text should include a full explan... ll lead the DiscoTech, using whatever format they like to invite participation, collaboration, and shari
- syntax @wiki
- com|This Link points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <andi@splitbrain.org> are recognized, t... m|This Link points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <andi@splitbrain.org> are recognized, t... Wiki]]. ==== Windows Shares ==== Windows shares like [[\\server\share|this]] are recognized, too. Plea... these only make sense in a homogeneous user group like a corporate [[wp>Intranet]]. Windows Shares li
- gould
- nto ten books, among them many best-sellers. And, like Carl Sagan before him, Gould even went on to assu... a star, they clearly do not invoke a . . . theory like Darwin's," he writes. "Stars do not change throug... hereditarianism (they were given to saying things like "Consider a gene for gathering behavior in women"... d colleague Richard Lewontin famously put it, are like spandrels in church architecture--the triangular
- hacker_culture
- orm our technological lives? Do hacker formations like Wikileaks, Anonymous, and open-source software re... xercise for the class, using whatever format they like to invite participation, collaboration, and the s... represents. For examples of what this could look like, peruse reports from [Cisco](https://www.cisco.co... sophy to the world. Identify yourself any way you like or not at all. Seek to recruit, warn, alienate, t
- media_and_the_public
- -Ed Project, and browse the op-ed pages of papers like the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and th... ublished by the organization you choose or others like it This project should meet the following expect... te that one often finds in the syllabi of courses like this, between John Dewey and Walter Lippman ([sum... t two episodes, and after that only as far as you like. It's over-long and repetitive, but well-calculat
- introduction_to_social_media
- in class. You can repeat the quiz in class if you like. Be sure to bring a Canvas-friendly device to cla... extensive, and you're expected to explore as you like, not necessarily to study the whole thing. Some
- email_etiquette
- f a few pointers on what an effective email looks like. * **Be cordial**. It's important to signal resp... r time, and try to respect that. Avoid statements like "respond as soon as you see this" and "URGENT!" I
- media_activism
- on whom you ask, media-powered activism can sound like either a silver bullet or a lost cause. It's ofte
- digital_culture_and_politics
- mulate 3-5 potential research questions you might like to explore.* ## Literature review (weeks 3-5) T
- academic_honesty
- y content that you turn in, it should be credited like any other source**, including the software used.
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- u however we can. ## Topics The course topics, like the assignments, proceed in three phases. First,
- engagement_with_assigned_sources
- iz. I do this so that more artificial evaluations like exams are not necessary. But in order for this pu
- citation_standards
- ider citing with a high-quality archiving service like [perma.cc](https://perma.cc). * Above all, be r
- global_media_literacy
- f 3 media entities (material or immaterial) you'd like to investigate. We will schedule presentations in