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4 Hits, Last modified:
ing effort, a struggle for political rights. The medium should be a recognizable genre of some sort that ... texts on the syllabus * Adherence to the topic, medium, and scope agreed on with the instructor; the medium, intended audience, and objective of the piece shoul... sual clarity, and other standards relevant to the medium; improvement from the first draft should be evide
2 Hits, Last modified:
xplains and justifies the project's objective and medium. The proposal, as well as the final project itsel... f the intended audience * Propose an intended medium and the scope of project deliverables, including
2 Hits, Last modified:
ed Founders are Merely Collateral Damage]( lliams, "[Zebras Fix What Unicorns Break](" (Mar
2 Hits, Last modified:
* Identify your genre, your audience, and your medium. Look at other similar documents that share those... a memo, letter, or [[whitepaper]], consider your medium and audience. What kind of citation would be most
1 Hits, Last modified:
of thinking. Notebooks may be in any persistent medium, so you can refer back to them for years to come.
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rn, alienate, terrify, or inform readers. Let the medium be part of the message. ### 3. Hacktivism *
1 Hits, Last modified:
ur Professor (without being annoying AF)](
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at hand. There's some interesting [history of the medium and the term](
1 Hits, Last modified:
lliams, "[Zebras Fix What Unicorns Break](" (Mar
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signment in the form of a memo, a fairly informal medium used for communicating within corporations and ot
1 Hits, Last modified:
h the instructor, briefly outlining the topic and medium * **Draft** of the completed product turned in