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# Media and the Public In this class, we will learn about what it means to be a mediated public by becoming one and reflecting on our practice. A... and primary readings on media, democracy, and the public sphere, the class will undergo a process together. We will cultivate our own public sphere, setting rules and adjusting them as we go
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# Media Activism and Public Engagement **MDST 5002** Depending on whom you ask, media-powered activism c... f)_ (Continuum, 2005 [1970]) * Marshall Ganz, "[Public Narrative, Collective Action, and Power](," in S... emi and Taeku Lee (eds.), _Accountability Through Public Opinion: From Inertia to Public Action_ (The Worl
4 Hits, Last modified:
"[Network Celebrity: Entrepreneurship and the New Public Intellectuals]( s/Turner-Larson-Network-Celebrity-PC-2015.pdf)," _Public Culture_ 27, no. 1 (2015) * Robert Graham, "[No... et al., _[Future-casting CU Boulder as the First Public University that Hacks the Academy]( utures/2017/12/20/future-casting-cu-boulder-first-public-university-hacks-academy-berk-greenstein-karas)_,
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pective on social media, including the histories, public policies, and global forces shaping the apps and ... signals) (2021) Quest: Introduce us to an online public that you know well, explaining its various norms,
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Media]] * [[:media_activism|Media Activism and Public Engagement]] * [[:Media and the Public]] * [[:Religion in American Life]] * [[:Resources]]
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oks, 2019): Part III * Gabriella Coleman, "[The Public Interest Hack](," _limn_ (February 2017) **Exploit: S
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psychological genesis of his dual careers, their public debut followed three decades later, in 1977, when
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he standard output. */ class HelloWorldApp { public static void main(String[] args) { System.
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