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rated by PHP:'; echo '<img src="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?=' . php_logo_guid() . '" alt="PHP Logo !" ... ent:</td>'; echo '<td><img src="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?=' . php_logo_guid() . '" alt="PHP Logo !" ... rated by PHP:'; echo '<img src="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?=' . php_logo_guid() . '" alt="PHP Logo !" ... ent:</td>'; echo '<td><img src="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?=' . php_logo_guid() . '" alt="PHP Logo !"
4 Hits, Last modified:
urce code, and other media. If your media are not self-explanatory, include a [README](https://en.wikipe... code online, and lots of hackers are more or less self-taught. Whatever you know already, use this Explo... ty Press, 2013) **Exploit: Practice the craft of self-optimization.** Work on your development as a hac... ](, or [Surveillance Self-Defense]( if the dangers are
4 Hits, Last modified:
dge goes to the post that best contributes to the self-reflection our our class public, in the form of e... o. 1 (2002) * Adam Curtis, _[The Century of the Self]( (2002) On the latter, watch at least the firs... 20, 2015) * Mónica Guzmán, "[Journalism and the Self-Informing Public](," R
2 Hits, Last modified:
f what qualifies it as disruptive * Evidence of self-directed research beyond assigned materials, incl... f what qualifies it as disruptive * Evidence of self-directed research beyond assigned materials, incl
2 Hits, Last modified:
code online, and lots of hackers are more or less self-taught. Whatever you know already, use this Explo... e/122965/can-billion-dollar-corporation-zappos-be-self-organized)," _The New Republic_ (October 4, 2015)
1 Hits, Last modified:
de all content on the linked pages, including the self-quizzes and "related content." For extra credit,
1 Hits, Last modified:
ew in the historical strata of science: the first self-consciously revolutionary scientist--the first sc