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4 Hits, Last modified:
during lecture and class discussions. They can be useful for collaboration and accessibility, but such dev... s from Tomorrow: Exploring New Technology through Useful Fiction]( -from-the-future-exploring-new-technology-through-useful-fiction/stories-from-tomorrow-exploring-new-technology-through-useful-fiction)_, UK Ministry of Defence (February 28, 2
3 Hits, Last modified:
e the week's DiscoTech, so aim to offer something useful---a skill that fellow students may or may not cho... ansaction or two or more. If you can do something useful with it, all the better. Share a record of the tr... Who is leeching profits without contributing any useful value? Come up with an idea---you don't have to i
1 Hits, Last modified:
ter suit their needs. All the better if it can be useful beyond just the assignment. ## Employer evaluati
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. * *Artificial intelligence.* Generative AI is a useful tool for many purposes, though it should not serv
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Who is leeching profits without contributing any useful value? Come up with an idea---you don't have to i
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on your computer Here are some tips that may be useful from past experience: * Before you come to cla
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t. Make sure the engagement contributes something useful to the project in which it appears. * *Relying to
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and audience. What kind of citation would be most useful to your ideal reader? * Regardless of your cita
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ort to learn how to determine this, as it will be useful for you throughout your academic career. Here are