Fulltext results:
- hacker_culture_s2018
- excellent questions. Annotations on the texts are due at this time. One strategy is to take great notes... nd engagement with the week's texts. Exploits are due in Canvas by sunrise on Saturday morning. Each E... res. *Verbum sat sapienti est.* ## Schedule All due dates are at 2 p.m. Mountain Time. * Project proposal due: April 3 * Project beta version due: April 19
- hacker_culture
- e by arrangement with the instructor prior to the due date; otherwise, late work is subject to a penalt... s in class (10 points) Before this assignment is due, you are welcome to propose the bounty you think ... engagement with the week's sources. Exploits are due in Canvas by sunrise on Saturday morning. The fo... i est.* ## Schedule Each week's annotations are due at 3 p.m. that Tuesday and Exploits are due on Sa
- media_activism
- the course. Full or partial absences from class, due to circumstances beyond the student's control, sh... e by arrangement with the instructor prior to the due date; otherwise, late work is subject to a penalt... stanza-Chock, _Design Justice_ *Project proposal due; no Intervention.* ### 9. "Narratives" and "Site... e prepared to discuss lessons from your final project in class. *Final projects due; no Intervention.*
- gould
- allace. "The Structure" 's mammoth dimensions are due partly to its range--it surveys both the history ... the percentage of dandelion-like species might be due to species selection, but it might also be due to a number of other processes, including old-fashioned... were wrong, but paleontological data are, largely due to Gould, richer than ever. Species selection may
- global_media_literacy
- d according to the class period in which they are due. ### Phase 1: Global Media Footprint Text: Jac... r 25 (Amazon.com) * Project 3: topic approval due (D2L) * Guest: Andrew Calabrese Fall Break ... baker * December 1 * Project 3: first draft due (D2L), peer review * December 6 * _Global ... nclusion * December 8: NO CLASS * Project 3 due ## Acknowledgments Features of this course hav
- introduction_to_social_media
- the campus Honor Code. If you need to miss class due to illness, religious observance, or emergency, p... ginning with an automatic B immediately after the due date. Plagiarism and similar lapses in [[academi
- connected_media_practices
- low students' sections **(10%)** * Final draft, due on the last day of class **(50%)** * Group part... to assist you however we can. ### Calendar All due dates are at 9 a.m. in the appropriate Canvas ass