Fulltext results:
- connected_media_practices
- levant sources **(20%)** * At one class meeting during the semester, develop an imaginative way to lead ... ld at least one in-person meeting with instructor during the course, by appointment **(5%)** If you canno... se * Refrain from the use of [[screen devices]] during class, except upon agreement with the instructor ... sion and modified by a consensus of those present during any official class period.* [ [[note:connected_m
- future_histories_of_technology
- ity, such as: * Insightful comments or questions during class discussion * Impressive sharing of coursewo... syllabus is a living document and may be revised during the course. The current, binding form will be mai... ent. * Be intentional about use of screen devices during lecture and class discussions. They can be useful
- internships
- ng in the final report. This should ideally occur during my office hours, or by appointment. These meeting... have time to review them. ## Journal Each week during your internship, add an entry to a journal about ... ng, we will agree on two books that you will read during the internship that connect the experience to med
- screen_devices
- * Susan Dynarski, "[Laptops Are Great. But Not During a Lecture or a Meeting.](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/22/business/laptops-not-during-lecture-or-meeting.html)," _The New York Times_ (
- hacker_culture
- Hackers learn from each other. Each week, usually during the second meeting, a group of students will pres... syllabus is a living document and may be revised during the course. The current, binding form will be mai
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- dings and lectures will occur at random intervals during class using Canvas. Quizzes are meant to be taken... s, tabs, and notifications unrelated to class off during meetings If you find yourself in a position wher
- hacker_culture_s2018
- ach We learn from each other. Each week, usually during the second meeting, a group of students will pres... screen devices is not permitted in class, except during DiscoTech sessions or for purposes of accessibili
- global_media_literacy
- edures * refrain from the use of screen devices during class, except in agreement with the instructor E... Each student will take part in two presentations during class time—one individually, and one as part of a
- media_and_the_public
- rough listening and speaking, in oral discussions during class time. * adhere to the [[agreements]] that... ussion and modified by agreement of those present during any official class period.* [ [[note:media_and_t
- introduction_to_social_media
- ead on the assumption that you will not hear back during weekends, holidays, or evenings. ## Nodes The c
- digital_culture_and_politics
- own and reflect on your theory and methodology *During this unit, focus on drafting your conference pape
- class_etiquette
- y to aid your focus. * **Avoid coming and going during class**. Please come to class prepared to stay th
- gould
- on to think that speciation is a tumultuous event during which evolutionary change is especially likely to