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ulate a vision for a democratic public sphere ## Expectations Each student is expected to: * contribute eve... s like it This project should meet the following expectations: * Format: * Adherence to AP Style * A... entation, a formal letter, a rant of tweets. The expectations are as follows: * A carefully documented and p
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Your pitch will be evaluated according to these expectations: * Complete pitch that fulfills the assignment a... . ### Grading Grading will carefully follow the expectations stated in this syllabus, as well as the rubrics f
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eview_ 7, no. 4 (2015) * Jens Beckert, "Fictional Expectations," in _[Imagined Futures: Fictional Expectations and Capitalist Dynamics](https://www-degruyter-com.colorado.idm
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our recommendations are aligned with the assigned expectations. The following are some questions you might ask ... uld nevertheless be considered? * Are there any expectations for the assignment that the creator is not yet me
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earlier experiences, and that includes different expectations about class behavior. As a result, I hope it is helpful for me to make my own expectations explicit, so that they don't become barriers to a
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Practice social entrepreneurship and teamwork ## Expectations ### Coursework Throughout the semester, each st... t on peers' projects based on the criteria in the Expectations section of this syllabus, as well as based on the
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ures in entrepreneurial practice ## What are the expectations? Basically, students are expected to hack it. Th... different people. We'll work together to make the expectations clear, and then it's up to you how and to what de
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ind of class community do we hope to foster? ## Expectations * What kinds of activities will help us learn ... participants? * Do we understand and accept the expectations for our conduct set out by the university? * Ho
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tion in collaboration with community partners ## Expectations As a foundation for all else, students are expec
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er cultures in creative practice ## What are the expectations? ### Infrastructure All students are expected t
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. Before asking a question about the assignments, expectations, or other class-related issues, be sure you have
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events/). ### Grading Grading will follow the expectations stated in this syllabus. If you need an extensio
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proposing critical interventions for change. ## Expectations This syllabus, for students who decide to procee