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0%)** * Group participation, based on anonymous feedback from collaborators **(10%)** Sections will be ev... nother's contributions to the whitepaper project. Feedback is anonymous to fellow students. Reflect on peers... will be made by the instructor, informed by peer feedback. ### Grading Based on the stated point structur
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sion * Impressive sharing of coursework * Helpful feedback on other students' work * Modeling leadership, su... ated with serious discretion, informed by student feedback. ### Capsules (60%) For each epoch, students wi
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ctful listening to other members of the class and feedback on fellow students' ideas (10 points) Participat... process together, sharing early suppositions for feedback and conducting a formal peer review. Our class's
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proposal * Peer review: **(10%)** * Provide feedback for at least two fellow students' drafts, of at l
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he teaching team to check in on your progress and feedback. Quizzes will be conducted on Canvas, with a pass
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# Peer review Providing constructive feedback for peers is a powerful art. Doing it well means giving the g
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he class---first as a one-minute practice run for feedback and, second, as a one-minute pitch with one parsi
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most rewarding) ways of participating is through feedback. Identify which software that you use is open-sou
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