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: * **Be fully present**. Class is a place for focus, not multitasking. Humans are [notoriously bad at... than they think they are. Do yourself a favor and focus on class while in class. It will make the experie... ces]] whenever possible is a good way to aid your focus. * **Avoid coming and going during class**. Ple... ith me or other students, as long as you keep the focus on the ideas, not the person. I also commit to ho
3 Hits, Last modified:
on. * What kind of revision should the creator focus on? Are high-level, structural changes necessary, or should the creator focus more on smaller-scale adjustments? Pick one of these to focus on, and indicate to the creator why you're making
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cted World]( (2016) Quest: None---focus on your pitches!
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s with all and choose one or two in each epoch to focus on especially. ### Worldbuilding * Ursula Le Gu
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n your theory and methodology *During this unit, focus on drafting your conference paper.* ## Peer revi
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al introduction to media entrepreneurship, with a focus on journalism. Alongside it, we will explore crit
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hanges at least daily. Form a group that wants to focus on a particular outlet—a newspaper, a television