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future_histories_of_technology [2024/08/16 10:46]
ntnsndr [Modernism]
future_histories_of_technology [2025/01/31 15:05] (current)
ntnsndr [Agreements] adjusted screen devices policy
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 * This syllabus is a living document and may be revised during the course. The current, binding form will be maintained on Canvas, and any changes will be explained in a Canvas announcement. * This syllabus is a living document and may be revised during the course. The current, binding form will be maintained on Canvas, and any changes will be explained in a Canvas announcement.
-Use of laptops and other screen devices ​is not permitted ​during lecture and class discussions. ​Such devices ​are [[:​screen_devices|likely]] to interfere with your learning experience and that of students around you. They are permitted and likely necessary during workshopping sessions.+Be intentional about use of screen devices during lecture and class discussions. ​They can be useful for collaboration and accessibility,​ but such devices [[:​screen_devices|may also]] interfere with your learning experience and that of students around you.
 * We respect one another'​s privacy and freedom to explore. Content shared in the course, in class or online, will not be shared beyond it without permission. * We respect one another'​s privacy and freedom to explore. Content shared in the course, in class or online, will not be shared beyond it without permission.
 * We adhere to basic [[:​university policies]] regarding accessibility and [[:academic honesty]]; we take responsibility for understanding relevant policies and procedures. * We adhere to basic [[:​university policies]] regarding accessibility and [[:academic honesty]]; we take responsibility for understanding relevant policies and procedures.
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 The course proceeds through a series of two-week "​epochs,"​ each with its own set of assigned materials and creative work. All materials are accessible digitally at no cost, either on the open internet or through the campus library. The course proceeds through a series of two-week "​epochs,"​ each with its own set of assigned materials and creative work. All materials are accessible digitally at no cost, either on the open internet or through the campus library.
-Students are not expected to study every word of the assigned materials; rather, they should generally familiarize themselves with all and choose one or two each week to focus on especially.+Students are not expected to study every word of the assigned materials; rather, they should generally familiarize themselves with all and choose one or two in each epoch to focus on especially.
 ### Worldbuilding ### Worldbuilding
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 * Edward Bellamy, _[Looking Backward](https://​www.gutenberg.org/​ebooks/​624)_ (Ticknor, 1888) [chapters 1-5] * Edward Bellamy, _[Looking Backward](https://​www.gutenberg.org/​ebooks/​624)_ (Ticknor, 1888) [chapters 1-5]
-Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek, "[#AccelerateManifesto for an Accelerationist Politics](https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/104129607/Williams_and_Srnicek._Accelerate_.pdf)" (2013+Andy Beckett, "[AccelerationismHow a Fringe Philosophy Predicted the Future We Live In](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/11/accelerationism-how-a-fringe-philosophy-predicted-the-future-we-live-in)," ​_The Guardian_ ​(May 11, 2017
-* Ruha Benjamin, "​[Introduction:​ Discriminatory Design, Liberating Imagination](https://​www.dukeupress.edu/​Assets/PubMaterials/978-1-4780-0381-6_601.pdf)," in _Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience,​ and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life_, ed. Ruha Benjamin (Duke University Press, 2019)+* Ruha Benjamin, "​[Introduction:​ Discriminatory Design, Liberating Imagination](https://​read.dukeupress.edu/​books/book/2588/​chapter/​1386029/​IntroductionDiscriminatory-Design-Liberating)," in _Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience,​ and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life_, ed. Ruha Benjamin (Duke University Press, 2019)
 * Anisia Uzeyman and Saul Williams (dirs.), _[Neptune Frost](https://​colorado.kanopy.com/​node/​12574154)_ (2021) * Anisia Uzeyman and Saul Williams (dirs.), _[Neptune Frost](https://​colorado.kanopy.com/​node/​12574154)_ (2021)