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future_histories_of_technology [2024/10/27 11:40]
ntnsndr [Liberation]
future_histories_of_technology [2025/01/31 15:05] (current)
ntnsndr [Agreements] adjusted screen devices policy
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 * This syllabus is a living document and may be revised during the course. The current, binding form will be maintained on Canvas, and any changes will be explained in a Canvas announcement. * This syllabus is a living document and may be revised during the course. The current, binding form will be maintained on Canvas, and any changes will be explained in a Canvas announcement.
-Use of laptops and other screen devices ​is not permitted ​during lecture and class discussions. ​Such devices ​are [[:​screen_devices|likely]] to interfere with your learning experience and that of students around you. They are permitted and likely necessary during workshopping sessions.+Be intentional about use of screen devices during lecture and class discussions. ​They can be useful for collaboration and accessibility,​ but such devices [[:​screen_devices|may also]] interfere with your learning experience and that of students around you.
 * We respect one another'​s privacy and freedom to explore. Content shared in the course, in class or online, will not be shared beyond it without permission. * We respect one another'​s privacy and freedom to explore. Content shared in the course, in class or online, will not be shared beyond it without permission.
 * We adhere to basic [[:​university policies]] regarding accessibility and [[:academic honesty]]; we take responsibility for understanding relevant policies and procedures. * We adhere to basic [[:​university policies]] regarding accessibility and [[:academic honesty]]; we take responsibility for understanding relevant policies and procedures.