Fulltext results:
- media_activism
- evaluation period, you are welcome to propose the grade you think you have earned with a one-paragraph ex... nt in Canvas. The instructor will determine final grade, taking your input into account. ### Final proj... 63-66), D- (60-62), F (0-59). The minimum passing grade is 60 for undergraduates and 70 for graduate stud... , late work is subject to a penalty of one letter grade per day. Generative AI is permitted but should b
- connected_media_practices
- student will (as a percentage of the total course grade): * Each week, turn in on Canvas before class ... uctor. Otherwise it will affect the participation grade. #### Whitepaper project The core of this cours... team effort. The final determination of this last grade will be made by the instructor, informed by peer ... 63-66), D- (60-62), F (0-59). The minimum passing grade is 60 for undergraduates and 70 for graduate stud
- introduction_to_social_media
- ally, at the end of the semester, the lowest quiz grade will be dropped. ### Quests (25%) In and out of... grant one. Late work will be penalized one letter grade per week, beginning with an automatic B immediate... 63-66), D- (60-62), F (0-59). The minimum passing grade is 60. ## Terms and conditions Together, we agr
- global_media_literacy
- n 3 points detracted from the class participation grade. **20 points** ### Readings The assigned rea... it. These diaries will affect the portion of the grade for research and sources. #### Schedule * Se
- digital_culture_and_politics
- 63-66), D- (60-62), F (0-59). The minimum passing grade is 60 for undergraduates and 70 for graduate stud
- hacker_culture
- s) real time on Canvas for easy access. The final grade will be calculated by adding up the bounties each
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- 63-66), D- (60-62), F (0-59). The minimum passing grade is 60 for undergraduates and 70 for graduate stud
- hacker_culture_s2018
- s) real time on Canvas for easy access. The final grade will be calculated by adding up the bounties each
- syllabus_of_questions
- n? * What happens if there is a dispute about a grade? ## Agreements * How do we commit to carryin
- religion_in_american_life
- ne, therefore, is fully capable of earning a high grade, regardless of prior ability. Final grades will b
- media_and_the_public
- n 2 points detracted from the class participation grade. Badges, worth 1 extra point, will be awarded at