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hacker_culture [2024/02/13 23:27]
ntnsndr [12. Beyond the valley] Replaced Shenzhen doc with Fernanda Rosa
hacker_culture [2024/04/23 18:40] (current)
ntnsndr [13. Singularity]
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 *25 points* *25 points*
-Become a goon. The final project for this course is to write an illustrated,​ 1,​800-to-2,​000-word report on a real-world hack that for a relevant establishmentarian organization. Pick a hack that particularly fascinates you.+Become a goon. The final project for this course is to write an illustrated,​ 1,​800-to-2,​000-word report on a real-world hack for a relevant establishmentarian organization. Pick a hack that particularly fascinates you.
 If the hack in question is of questionable legality, write as an FBI agent, perhaps. If the hack is just a brilliant piece of technology, write as a stiff for a big computer company trying to figure out how to capitalize on it. In any case, with clear language and documented research, explain the nature of the hack, its significance,​ and a recommendation for what your organization should do about it. If the hack in question is of questionable legality, write as an FBI agent, perhaps. If the hack is just a brilliant piece of technology, write as a stiff for a big computer company trying to figure out how to capitalize on it. In any case, with clear language and documented research, explain the nature of the hack, its significance,​ and a recommendation for what your organization should do about it.
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   * Jessica M. Goldstein, "[Meet The Woman Who Did Everything In Her Power To Hide Her Pregnancy From Big Data](https://​archive.thinkprogress.org/​meet-the-woman-who-did-everything-in-her-power-to-hide-her-pregnancy-from-big-data-80070cf6edd2/​),"​ _ThinkProgress_ (April 29, 2014)   * Jessica M. Goldstein, "[Meet The Woman Who Did Everything In Her Power To Hide Her Pregnancy From Big Data](https://​archive.thinkprogress.org/​meet-the-woman-who-did-everything-in-her-power-to-hide-her-pregnancy-from-big-data-80070cf6edd2/​),"​ _ThinkProgress_ (April 29, 2014)
-**Exploit: Audit your communication practices and identify improvements.** Review some of your regular practices, digital and otherwise, and locate potential security vulnerabilities. Do some [research](https://​www.isaca.org/Journal/archives/​2010/​Volume-1/​Pages/​Performing-a-Security-Risk-Assessment1.aspxabout the [nature](http://​webkay.robinlinus.com/​) of potential ​[threats](https://​panopticlick.eff.org/) and how they might be mitigated. Check out software listed at [AlternativeTo](https://​alternativeto.net/​platform/​all/?​license=opensource),​ [PRISM Break](http://​prism-break.org/​),​ [PrivacyTools](https://​www.privacytools.io/​),​ or [Surveillance Self-Defense](https://​ssd.eff.org/​) if the dangers are digital. Go further with Janet Vertesi'​s [Opt Out Project](https://​www.optoutproject.net/​). Try out a few patches, and determine whether they'​re worth the trouble.+**Exploit: Audit your communication practices and identify improvements.** Review some of your regular practices, digital and otherwise, and locate potential security vulnerabilities. Do some [research](https://​www.consumerreports.org/issue/data-privacyon [potential threats](https://​coveryourtracks.eff.org/) and how they might be mitigated. ​What do online services you use [make you agree to](https://​privacyspy.org/​)? ​Check out software listed at [AlternativeTo](https://​alternativeto.net/​platform/​all/?​license=opensource),​ [PRISM Break](http://​prism-break.org/​),​ [PrivacyTools](https://​www.privacytools.io/​),​ or [Surveillance Self-Defense](https://​ssd.eff.org/​) if the dangers are digital. Go further with Janet Vertesi'​s [Opt Out Project](https://​www.optoutproject.net/​). Try out a few patches, and determine whether they'​re worth the trouble.
 ### 11. Disintermediation ### 11. Disintermediation
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 ### 13. Singularity ### 13. Singularity
-  * Alessandro Delfanti and Johan Söderberg, "​[Repurposing the hacker: Three cycles of recuperation in the evolution of hacking and capitalism](http://www.ephemerajournal.org/​contribution/​repurposing-hacker-three-cycles-recuperation-evolution-hacking-and-capitalism),"​ _Ephemera_ 18, no. 3 (2018)+  * Alessandro Delfanti and Johan Söderberg, "​[Repurposing the hacker: Three cycles of recuperation in the evolution of hacking and capitalism](https://​ephemerajournal.org/​contribution/​repurposing-hacker-three-cycles-recuperation-evolution-hacking-and-capitalism),"​ _Ephemera_ 18, no. 3 (2018)
   * Virginia Heffernan, "[Now That Tech Runs the World, Let's Retire the Hacker Ideal](https://​www.wired.com/​story/​now-that-tech-runs-the-world-lets-retire-the-hacker-ideal/​),"​ _Wired_ (January 31, 2018)   * Virginia Heffernan, "[Now That Tech Runs the World, Let's Retire the Hacker Ideal](https://​www.wired.com/​story/​now-that-tech-runs-the-world-lets-retire-the-hacker-ideal/​),"​ _Wired_ (January 31, 2018)