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hacker_culture_and_politics_spring_2016 [2016/01/12 18:00]
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-# Hacker Culture and Politics - Spring 2016 
-Instructor: [Nathan Schneider](http://​www.colorado.edu/​cmci/​people/​media-studies/​nathan-schneider) ​   
-Office hours: by appointment 
-[GitLab class repository](https://​gitlab.com/​nathanairplane/​hackercp-spring2016) 
-## Schedule 
-### Weekly assignments 
-Each week, plan to work through the readings for a given topic, from Thursday to Thursday. Wiki contributions are due by 9 a.m. Thursday morning. 
-**insert dates for units** 
-### Projects 
-  * Objective 3: 
-    * Beta: 
-    * Release: