Fulltext results:
- introduction_to_social_media
- lass quizzes (25%) Class meetings will generally include a short quiz. It will present questions about the... l be evaluated to ensure that, collectively, they include: * Completion of the Quest in a thoughtful and c... ify a specific intended audience. Audiences might include parents, younger siblings, a competing business, ... edia)_ (University of Arizona, 2024) Assignments include all content on the linked pages, including the se
- media_activism
- the context of an explicit theory of change * Include strong evidence of background research, engaging ... y represents the intended scope and quality * Include an updated project statement with the same specif... or circulation, audience, and social change * Include a project statement that meets the same specifica
- global_media_literacy
- pealing and informative. Each presentation should include: * Confident, eloquent articulation of the mat... uestions that a presentation might seek to answer include: * Where were its various parts constructed, a... ld. Questions a presentation might seek to answer include: * What patterns did you notice over the cours
- university_policies
- the Honor Code. Violations of the Honor Code may include but are not limited to: plagiarism (including use... rning and living life to the fullest. These might include strained relationships, anxiety, exploring identi
- hacker_culture
- er media. If your media are not self-explanatory, include a [README](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/README) ... out one side of a sheet of paper. Just be sure to include [[engagement with assigned sources|engagement wit
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- taking place. Examples of incumbent organizations include large corporations, governance agencies, and cult... in Canvas about your experience there. With this, include proof of participation (such as a photo of yourse
- syntax @wiki
- ---- ===== Images and Other Files ===== You can include external and internal [[doku>images]] with curly ... a smiley ;-)%%. ===== Code Blocks ===== You can include code blocks into your documents by either indenti
- hacker_culture_s2018
- sunrise on Saturday morning. Each Exploit should include a README text that explains the nature and ration... Open_format) you like. But the README text should include a full explanation and rationale. Exploits need n
- screen_devices
- # Screen Devices Screen devices include laptops, tablets, phones, smartwatches, and other machines with sc
- internships
- rnship for their successor in the role. It should include rigorous engagement with insights from the two bo
- digital_culture_and_politics
- 00. Articles should follow APA style. They should include some approximation of the these sections (which c
- email_etiquette
- al letters, but if they're too conversational, or include bad grammar or punctuation, they seem lazy, which
- campus_resources
- o discuss these issues with you. Campus resources include: * [The Dean of Students website](https://www.
- religion_in_american_life
- en part of your past experience. The essay should include: * An exploration of a particular aspect of th
- media_and_the_public
- e agreed on with the instructor. Campaigns might include, for instance: an Internet meme, a politician's s