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introduction_to_social_media [2025/01/10 15:50]
ntnsndr [Activism] Removed indigenous languages chapter that is no longer in the book
introduction_to_social_media [2025/02/22 12:38] (current)
ntnsndr [Regulation]
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 In and out of class, we will use a private, self-managed social network to communicate at [mediastudies.social](https://​mediastudies.social). It utilizes Mastodon, an open-source software platform designed to connect with the [Fediverse](https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Fediverse),​ but we will only use it to connect with each other. In and out of class, we will use a private, self-managed social network to communicate at [mediastudies.social](https://​mediastudies.social). It utilizes Mastodon, an open-source software platform designed to connect with the [Fediverse](https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Fediverse),​ but we will only use it to connect with each other.
-Each week before recitation on Friday, students should demonstrate their engagement with the reading in posts on mediastudies.social. This consists of two parts:+Each week before recitation on Friday, students should demonstrate their [[engagement_with_assigned_sources|engagement]] with the reading in posts on mediastudies.social. This consists of two parts:
 * Complete the Quest, which is specified in each week's assignment, in a post or thread (by posting and replying to each previous post) using the hashtag \#q[number] * Complete the Quest, which is specified in each week's assignment, in a post or thread (by posting and replying to each previous post) using the hashtag \#q[number]
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 * Completion of the Quest in a thoughtful and creative fashion * Completion of the Quest in a thoughtful and creative fashion
 * Constructive contribution to the class discussion in replies * Constructive contribution to the class discussion in replies
-* Evidence of comprehension of, and engagement with, the assigned materials+* Evidence of comprehension of, and [[engagement_with_assigned_sources|engagement]] with, the assigned materials
 Extra-credit bounties may be distributed to authors of the most successful posts. Criteria will vary as we evaluate the priorities of our shared discussion. Extra-credit bounties may be distributed to authors of the most successful posts. Criteria will vary as we evaluate the priorities of our shared discussion.
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 * Work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivial community based on mutual learning through our diverse perspectives,​ following basic standards of [[class etiquette]] * Work together to foster a respectful, mature, convivial community based on mutual learning through our diverse perspectives,​ following basic standards of [[class etiquette]]
-* Be present in our interactions together in class, avoiding the use of [[screen devices]] for purposes other than coursework 
 * Respect student privacy, keeping any materials or statements shared in class confidential unless permission is granted to do otherwise * Respect student privacy, keeping any materials or statements shared in class confidential unless permission is granted to do otherwise
 * Adhere to all [[university policies]], as well as course guidelines on [[academic honesty]]; we take responsibility for understanding them and the relevant procedures. * Adhere to all [[university policies]], as well as course guidelines on [[academic honesty]]; we take responsibility for understanding them and the relevant procedures.
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 _Humans_: "​[Regulation](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​regulation/​)"​ _Humans_: "​[Regulation](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​regulation/​)"​
-Artifact: 2023 AI regulations from the [United States](https://​www.whitehouse.gov/​briefing-room/​statements-releases/​2023/​10/​30/​fact-sheet-president-biden-issues-executive-order-on-safe-secure-and-trustworthy-artificial-intelligence/​) and [China](https://​www.lw.com/​en/​admin/​upload/​SiteAttachments/​Chinas-New-AI-Regulations.pdf)+Artifact: 2023 AI regulations from the [United States](https://​web.archive.org/​web/​20231108231031/​https://​www.whitehouse.gov/​briefing-room/​statements-releases/​2023/​10/​30/​fact-sheet-president-biden-issues-executive-order-on-safe-secure-and-trustworthy-artificial-intelligence/​) and [China](https://​www.lw.com/​en/​admin/​upload/​SiteAttachments/​Chinas-New-AI-Regulations.pdf)
 Quest: Devise a law that would improve social-media regulation, explaining its rationale, how it would be enforced, and what new problems it might cause Quest: Devise a law that would improve social-media regulation, explaining its rationale, how it would be enforced, and what new problems it might cause
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 Quest: Choose a story in _Rest of World_ about a country outside the United States, and explain how the Internet might feel different in that country than it does here Quest: Choose a story in _Rest of World_ about a country outside the United States, and explain how the Internet might feel different in that country than it does here
-### Equity+### Equity ​and activism
-_Humans_: "​[Equity and Gender](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​equity/​)"​+_Humans_: "​[Equity and Gender](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​equity/)" and "​[Activism](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​ch-6-activism/)"
 Artifact: [Feminist Principles for the Internet](https://​feministinternet.org/​) (2016) Artifact: [Feminist Principles for the Internet](https://​feministinternet.org/​) (2016)
 Quest: Propose a manifesto of principles that you believe would make the Internet more just Quest: Propose a manifesto of principles that you believe would make the Internet more just
-### Activism 
-_Humans_: "​[Activism](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​ch-6-activism/​)"​ 
-Artifact: HK19 Manual, [part 1](https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1ZrIiXypVUvPIRs9JG8AsU55FkLsz81pqZstKQcbsAHc/​mobilebasic) and [part 2](https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1UROUN37_gUqrDd4FYDFYXQAmYuXtsBAfaDLo47Im-Kk/​edit#​) (2019) 
-Quest: Outline an original social-media activist campaign to achieve a desired social purpose; explain the goal, the tactics, and their expected effects 
 ### Information ​ ### Information ​
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 _Humans_: "​[Relationships](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​relationships/​)" ​ _Humans_: "​[Relationships](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​relationships/​)" ​
-Artifact: Ingrid Burrington, "[The Center for Missed Connections](http://​www.digiart21.org/​art/​the-center-for-missed-connections)+Artifact: Ingrid Burrington, "[The Center for Missed Connections](http://​www.digiart21.org/​art/​the-center-for-missed-connections)"
 Quest: Create a screenshot of an invented social network that connects people in a novel way Quest: Create a screenshot of an invented social network that connects people in a novel way
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 ### Wellness ### Wellness
-"​[Wellness](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​wellness)"​+_Humans_: ​"​[Wellness](https://​opentextbooks.library.arizona.edu/​humansrsocialmedia/​chapter/​wellness)"​
 Artifact: Jonathan Haidt and Jean Twenge, "​[Social Media and Mental Health: A Collaborative Review](https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1w-HOfseF2wF9YIpXwUUtP65-olnkPyWcgF5BiAtBEy0/​edit)"​ (ongoing) Artifact: Jonathan Haidt and Jean Twenge, "​[Social Media and Mental Health: A Collaborative Review](https://​docs.google.com/​document/​d/​1w-HOfseF2wF9YIpXwUUtP65-olnkPyWcgF5BiAtBEy0/​edit)"​ (ongoing)
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 Quest: None---focus on your pitches! Quest: None---focus on your pitches!
-[ [[note:​introduction_to_social_media|Notes]] ]