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onsider the current state of democracy in digital life at local, national, and global levels. Students w... y about the intersection of democracy and digital life * Develop and explore an original research questi... s's research on the state of democracy in digital life. Reaching this goal will take us through the full
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# Religion in American Life: Discovering the Past, Encountering the Present ## What this class is abou... nities, we will experience a glimpse of religious life as it is lived around us today * Through a proc
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algorithm that you encounter or use in your daily life---or one that you want to exist ### Regulation
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noscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life_, ed. Ruha Benjamin (Duke University Press, 2019)
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es that can cause barriers to learning and living life to the fullest. These might include strained rela
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Public Engagement]] * [[:Media and the Public]] * [[:Religion in American Life]] * [[:Resources]]
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re you didn't before. Measure some aspect of your life, routine, mind, or body, and test strategies for
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ne person (outside the CU community) whose way of life or livelihood has been threatened by the disrupti
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of ideas transferred wholesale to the history of life, an idea that is reinforced by the fact that Goul
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h other. How have you tinkered or tweaked in your life? How have you broken in, broken out, or revealed
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ropaganda)," in Verne Richards (ed.), _Malatesta: Life and Ideas_ (Freedom Press, 1966) * Mark Dery, _