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they intervene, resulting in a plausible case for making meaningful social change. Students will construc... accommodate disabilities and other diverse needs, making use of our own capacities and [[campus resources]
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? #### 10. Disrupting work * Ben Tarnoff, _[The Making of the Tech Worker Movement]( (Logic(s
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rmine whether they're worth the trouble. ### 10. Making * Lori Emerson, "{{:lib:emerson-hackerculture.pdf|Making the Invisible Visible: Hacking, Glitch, Defamilia
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a lively community of discussion and debate, and making significant media interventions within it * Fam... titor)," _Fast Company_ (February 20, 2014) ### Making movements A classic critique: * Malcolm Gladw
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Accommodate disabilities and other diverse needs, making use of our own capacities and [[campus resources]
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focus on, and indicate to the creator why you're making that choice. * Where would you recommend focusi
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tps://, and support resources can be found on th
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no. 2 (2005) * Lilly Irani, "[Hackathons and the Making of Entrepreneurial Citizenship](https://escholars