Fulltext results:
- gould
- geny." Though both received good notices, it was, more than anything, their simultaneity that turned hea... the professional scenes at the same moment. (Far more often, as dotage approaches, a scientist will try... as terrific stuff, and it's too bad we won't have more of it. But, as Gould himself observed, the "hist... f "The Structure." Gould's second defense is far more important. Early in the debate, he began to reass
- media_and_the_public
- make clear the importance and relevance of one or more such ideal. * For op-eds, see the notes on op-... e expected format can be found here and here. For more inspiration, try to find press releases published... y.htm)," _The Second Wave_ 2, no. 1 (1972) For a more recent, theoretical expression of what democracy ... ew York Times_ (June 2, 2014) Maybe we should be more careful with which search engines we use: * Fr
- global_media_literacy
- g in what they say. Those to whom listening comes more naturally should make extra effort to depart thei... viting slides that summarize the content, with no more than one or two textual points (or less) per slid... Giants_ (Routledge, 2017) We continue by looking more in depth at the media organizations that dominate... tlineMerchantsOfCool)," _Frontline_ (2001) (it's more fun together!) * October 4 * _Global Media
- hacker_culture_s2018
- some hacker skills and the confidence to acquire more independently * Apply lessons from and against ... class. * **The second meeting**, be ready for a more practice-oriented [DiscoTech](http://detroitproje... heir own Exploits. Each presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long, with slides and/or a live d... ree assigned texts Bounties will be compiled in (more or less) real time on Canvas for easy access. The
- hacker_culture
- some hacker skills and the confidence to acquire more independently * Apply lessons from and against ... rades normally do. Bounties will be compiled in (more or less) real time on Canvas for easy access. The... oughtful annotations in each assigned reading, or more if it is helpful for you. At least one should be ... t, and bring them to class. Also, be ready for a more practice-oriented time. Plan to have done some pr
- digital_culture_and_politics
- le, but please discuss with the instructor if any more are necessary. #### Evaluation **20 points** *... on the type of paper (a conceptual paper may have more than an empirical one), but meaningfully engaging... A small contribution to existing knowledge may be more successful than a sweeping thesis, which is more likely to contain oversights or excessive generalizati
- university_policies
- tical affiliation, or political philosophy. For more information, see the [classroom behavior](http://... ker fraud, submitting the same or similar work in more than one course without permission from all cours... te](https://www.colorado.edu/sccr/honor-code) for more information on the academic integrity policy. **For more details, please review my [Academic Honesty](acad
- religion_in_american_life
- ginal traditions that have defined the mainstream more than is often recognized. Thanks to to modern-day... xperiences to the discussion. Good questions are more valuable than answers. Tardiness will be unders... ht: * Draw creative connections between two or more texts we've considered * Identify something int... ce software and non-proprietary formats. To learn more about the options, consult with the instructor or
- engagement_with_assigned_sources
- signed sources. Let me explain what that means in more depth than the syllabus allows. The purpose is t... ink of it as an open-book quiz. I do this so that more artificial evaluations like exams are not necessa... , but what you say in your own words matters much more. * *Interpreting part of the source out of contex
- syntax @wiki
- headlines to structure your content. If you have more than three headlines, a table of contents is gene... 4 === == Headline Level 5 == By using four or more dashes, you can make a horizontal line: ---- ==... [[wiki:DokuWiki]] to re-render the page if it is more than //refresh period// since the page was last r
- email_etiquette
- (unless you have previously addressed each other more informally), and sign off with your name at the b... they're passionate about what they do. We're much more likely to want to help you if we notice that you'... your question that is exciting your enthusiasm. More where that came from: * Laura Portwood-Stacer, "
- whitepaper
- kind of document little-used in academia but much more common in business and policy contexts. It is a s... impersonal, but clear and direct above all. It is more technical than journalistic writing, but less for
- media_activism
- lost cause. It's often both at the same time and more in between. Through examining the strategies and ... dia can shape social change and how we can become more savvy media practitioners ourselves. The central
- class_etiquette
- roscience.stanford.edu/news/why-multitasking-does-more-harm-good)—far worse than they think they are. Do
- citation_standards
- they are using. When in doubt, err on the side of more formality and the use of standard citation system