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he course consists of three concurrent processes: our meetings, your notebooks, and a conference on our collective research. ### Class meetings The basis of our academic community is our time together twice each week. Participation is essential to cultivating a s
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mediated public by becoming one and reflecting on our practice. As we discuss critical and primary read... ill undergo a process together. We will cultivate our own public sphere, setting rules and adjusting th... ent is expected to: * contribute every week to our public sphere, before noon on Thursday, with at l... post that best contributes to the self-reflection our our class public, in the form of either commentar
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iteria will vary as we evaluate the priorities of our shared discussion. ### The missing how-to (25%) ... vivial community based on mutual learning through our diverse perspectives, following basic standards o... sabilities and other diverse needs, making use of our own capacities and [[campus resources]] ## Units... of rules for a social-media network for kids ### Our transformed selves _Humans_: "[Our Transformed S
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invite people to take part in changing the world? Our work will consist of close reading, forming a space of mutual support, and honing our own practice in collaboration with community part... ary. The purpose of this assignment is to explore our own sense of agency and to exercise adventuresome... nterventions on Canvas. They will also help guide our class discussions each week. ### Class discussio
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ants and CEOs. How has hacker culture helped form our technological lives? Do hacker formations like Wi... eet them. We will use two platforms to carry out our work for the course: * **[Canvas](https://canv... for-profit company, Instructure. It is currently our campus's official LMS, and we will use it for a v... the skill we'll be learning together. We'll share our ideas, however preliminary, and we'll work on the
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and related retaliation by or against members of our community on- and off-campus. These behaviors harm individuals and our community. The Office of Institutional Equity and... iclivecare). ## A commitment and invitation from our college CMCI strives to be a community whose exc... places of learning where all members can thrive. Our question for you is, *how are we doing?* Please
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ants and CEOs. How has hacker culture helped form our technological lives? Do hacker formations like Wi... for-profit company, Instructure. It is currently our campus's official LMS, and we will use it for a v... the skill we'll be learning together. We'll share our ideas, however preliminary, and we'll work on the... , which [[:screen_devices|risk]] interfering with our learning experience and that of students around u
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at his own efforts demand a fundamental change in our view of evolution. At nearly fifteen hundred pag... plexity, as we vain scientists soon discovered in our fractured bubbles of burst pride--for we had been... reconceptualize all of evolution, and revise both our worldview and our language, accordingly." Indeed, he goes on, "we cannot fairly portray these expanded
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on is omnipresent, so to speak, and it influences our society in immense ways. Yet we are often taught ... by both peers and the instructor, we will sharpen our ideas ## The absolutely required and very exc... ion_. Fifth edition. Boston: Wadsworth, 2013.** - Our main textbook is a history of American religions ... ible effort to learn and develop and grow through our work together. Recognizing that different people
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the word? What have been the great disruptions of our time, and who wound up disrupted? This course is... uptions in the world around us and devise some of our own. Students should expect to enlarge their entr... ission is granted to do otherwise * Be present in our interactions together, keeping programs, tabs, an
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ent. This course unveils the hidden ways in which our media lives intersect with people an economies in... s, this course invites us to probe and reflect on our own media existence and experience, presenting wh... an exploration of how global forces take shape in our everyday media lives. Each student will identify
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othesis team, and we'll be sharing the results of our experience directly with them for the benefit of ... -dashboards), which will be used for evaluation. Our friends at CU Denver have developed [CROWDLAAERS]
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at move across periods, regions, and disciplines. Our cultural and historical approach to future histor... d development, usage, and innovation. Ultimately, our goal is to see how we’re not passive consumers bu
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MDST 5001** What are the economies that underlie our connections? This course will undertake a journey... ns will be evaluated individually. But to reflect our accountability to one another, all students are e
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## Evaluation * What are the activities that our grades should reflect? * What activities should... Do we understand and accept the expectations for our conduct set out by the university? * How do we
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