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sibility of the proposal * Evidence of impressive outside research, with at least ten sources---including [... Choose a story in _Rest of World_ about a country outside the United States, and explain how the Internet m
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in class or online will not be shared with anyone outside of the class without permission. * We adhere to
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online discussions will not be shared with anyone outside of the class. * We will address accessibility n
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der a collection of theoretical perspectives from outside the Global North. Do these invite us to rethink o
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soon as you see this" and "URGENT!" If you write outside normal working hours, in particular, do not expec
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ach student should interview at least one person (outside the CU community) whose way of life or livelihood
1 Hits, Last modified:
ast two. Plan for considerable collaboration time outside of class. Groups of students will produce a [[whi
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well known within science as his popular work was outside. For his ideas represent the most serious challen
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only if those are inadequate through recourse to outside authorities. * We respect one another's privacy
dokuwiki @wiki
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]] which makes sure the datafiles remain readable outside the Wiki and eases the creation of structured tex
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ou are part of a media organization that is based outside the United States, and make an argument to a coll
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d the voices of community members * Evidence of outside research using scholarly books or journal article