Fulltext results:
- hacker_culture
- speakers, and a significant component of hands-on practice. All levels of technological prowess are welcome,... sons from and against hacker cultures in creative practice ## What are the expectations? ### Infrastructur... d bring them to class. Also, be ready for a more practice-oriented time. Plan to have done some preparatory... )_ (Princeton University Press, 2013) **Exploit: Practice the craft of self-optimization.** Work on your de
- media_activism
- ing a space of mutual support, and honing our own practice in collaboration with community partners. ## Ins... Articulate a theory of change that informs media practice * Create a ready-to-deploy media intervention i... ressed through appropriate and engaging media * Practice adventuresome thinking in both concept and presen
- hacker_culture_s2018
- speakers, and a significant component of hands-on practice. All levels of technological prowess are welcome,... om and against hacker cultures in entrepreneurial practice ## What are the expectations? Basically, studen... . * **The second meeting**, be ready for a more practice-oriented [DiscoTech](http://detroitprojectarchive
- media_and_the_public
- ated public by becoming one and reflecting on our practice. As we discuss critical and primary readings on m... genres of media intervention. ## Objectives * Practice participating a lively community of discussion an... df|The Ethics of Advocacy: Moral Reasoning in the Practice of Public Relations}},” in Wilkins and Christians
- academic_honesty
- tudents adhere to an ethic of academic honesty: a practice of actively embracing the task of creating origin... he prior permission of the instructor. Failing to practice academic honesty damages both the student's learn
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- urse is a hands-on exploration of disruption as a practice and a theory, which goes to the heart of contempo... their ideas to the class---first as a one-minute practice run for feedback and, second, as a one-minute pit
- connected_media_practices
- ns? This course will undertake a journey into the practice and theory of media entrepreneurship, introducing... trategic engagement with digital infrastructure * Practice social entrepreneurship and teamwork ## Expectat
- introduction_to_social_media
- ategies: Negotiating with Platform Affordances to Practice Vernacular Creativity](https://journals.sagepub.c
- future_histories_of_technology
- ctures of power in the construction of futurity * Practice envisioning and crafting futures through fiction
- digital_culture_and_politics
- original research question on digital cultures * Practice the process of academic research, writing, review
- university_policies
- re students. It is a priority we want to put into practice here, now, and together, in order to foster place
- scholarly_sources
- whether something is peer reviewed, but with some practice, it usually isn't hard. Peer-reviewed sources ca