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vels. Students will conduct original research and present their findings at the end of the semester. ## In... te circulation. #### Evaluation **50 points** *Present research questions* (5 points) In one minute, and... unless permission is granted to do otherwise * Be present in our interactions together, refraining from the... you observe in the existing literature. You will present your research question in class.* ## Research me
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dards]] * Articulate a challenge or problem and present background research on how other enterprises have... challenges and what options could be explored * Present one or two specific, plausible strategies, weighi... f, or, Using Media Archaeology to Reimagine Past, Present, and Future]( s-if-or-using-media-archaeology-to-reimagine-past-present-and-future/))," _International Journal of Communi
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the strategies and tactics of movements, past and present, we'll discover how media can shape social change... es or other evidence of their participation * Present a promising strategy for circulation, audience, a... ine the mediated components of it, and prepare to present an analysis in class as your Intervention. ### 7... ine the mediated components of it, and prepare to present an analysis in class as your Intervention. ### 1
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e the contested figure of the hacker in the past, present, and science-fiction of the internet. This cours... ring the second meeting, a group of students will present to the class about a hacker skill related to that... and may be revised by consent of a quorum of all present at any given class time. The current, binding for... f, or, Using Media Archaeology to Reimagine Past, Present, and Future: An Interview with Lori Emerson](http
3 Hits, Last modified:
e the contested figure of the hacker in the past, present, and science-fiction of the Internet. This cours... ring the second meeting, a group of students will present to the class about a hacker skill related to that... nd why? Produce data based on your experiment and present it so the rest of us can better hack ourselves.
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ssignment is conducted in groups of 3-4, who will present 10-minute presentations with slides. Each presen... ts potential social effects. Students will twice present their ideas to the class---first as a one-minute ... unless permission is granted to do otherwise * Be present in our interactions together, keeping programs, t
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sumers but active participants in reimagining the present and future of technology.* ## Instructor Nathan... s (class #2) * Workshopping capsules (class #3) * Present completed capsule (class #4) Attendance for all
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uccess in the class. For example: * **Be fully present**. Class is a place for focus, not multitasking. ... f your work. (In fact, I typically try to reward students who present contrary perspectives while grading.)
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within it * Familiarize ourselves with past and present debates about media and democracy * Develop hab... for discussion and modified by agreement of those present during any official class period.* [ [[note:medi
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ings will generally include a short quiz. It will present questions about the week's readings as well as op
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f hardware, an app, a television show, a book—and present to the class an in-depth journey into its global
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ican Life: Discovering the Past, Encountering the Present ## What this class is about Religion is omnipr