Fulltext results:
- digital_culture_and_politics
- and global levels. Students will conduct original research and present their findings at the end of the seme... nd digital life * Develop and explore an original research question on digital cultures * Practice the process of academic research, writing, reviewing, and publishing ## Component... our notebooks, and a conference on our collective research. ### Class meetings The basis of our academic c
- introduction_to_social_media
- dents in the Media Studies department with active research agendas. They will work with the instructor on te... phy in APA style of 6--8 sources you used in your research. Be sure to meet the following evaluation criter... rse textbook * Evidence of impressive independent research in both the video and bibliography Turn in both ... of the proposal * Evidence of impressive outside research, with at least ten sources---including [[scholarl
- hacker_culture
- ze in culture and history, documenting additional research with both [[:scholarly_sources|scholarly]] and pr... . In any case, with clear language and documented research, explain the nature of the hack, its significance... le analysis of it * Impressive and documented research with both [[:scholarly_sources|scholarly]] and pr... cate potential security vulnerabilities. Do some [research](https://www.consumerreports.org/issue/data-priva
- connected_media_practices
- ate a challenge or problem and present background research on how other enterprises have addressed similar c... rades as a percentage of the project total): * Research plan of 500--700 words, including visuals such as... 9 a.m. in the appropriate Canvas assignment: * Research plan: 10/14 * Whitepaper draft: 11/22 * Compl... u-forms-capital.htm)," in _Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education_, ed. J. Richardso
- global_media_literacy
- awing from both assigned readings and independent research * Fulfilment of the assigned objectives for eac... including both assigned readings and independent research * Communicate the context through phrasing and ... d the role of the author; demonstrate, meanwhile, research on and expertise in the organization they represe... diaries will affect the portion of the grade for research and sources. #### Schedule * September 27
- media_activism
- hange * Include strong evidence of background research, engaging relevant primary and [[:scholarly sourc... ight of the book we just read. Do some additional research to examine the mediated components of it, and pre... ight of the book we just read. Do some additional research to examine the mediated components of it, and pre
- hacker_culture_s2018
- . In any case, with clear language and documented research, explain the nature of the hack, its significance... e illustrations * impressive and documented research with both scholarly and primary sources * a... cate potential security vulnerabilities. Do some [research](https://www.isaca.org/Journal/archives/2010/Volu
- media_and_the_public
- g/2015/04/29/state-of-the-news-media-2015/)," Pew Research Center: Journalism & Media (April 29, 2015) * "... //archive.mrc.org/books/identifybias.asp)," Media Research Center (1994) And that was before (at least so f... 3/10/strauss_persecutionartwriting.pdf)," _Social Research_ 8 (1941) * Errico Malatesta, "[Anarchist Propa
- future_histories_of_technology
- lass, and nationality structure seemingly neutral research and development, usage, and innovation. Ultimatel... Engineering in the Era of Cyberspace_, NASA Lewis Research Center (December 1, 1993) * Sarah T. Roberts and
- whitepaper
- ion of each. * Provides relevant background and research data to the problems and solutions at hand. ## E... tions](https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_memoranda/2006/RM3420.pdf)" - a 1964 report by Pa
- disruptive_entrepreneurship
- es it as disruptive * Evidence of self-directed research beyond assigned materials, including at least two... es it as disruptive * Evidence of self-directed research beyond assigned materials, including at least two
- religion_in_american_life
- ices of community members * Evidence of outside research using scholarly books or journal articles about t... om the course readings * Evidence of additional research by citing at least three secondary scholarly sour
- screen_devices
- cause more distraction than benefit, as empirical research suggests. There are also cognitive benefits to ta
- email_etiquette
- another few minutes they're not spending on their research or mentorship. Help make the world a better place
- engagement_with_assigned_sources
- omething external to the source, such as your own research topic. * Approach the idea **critically**, with a