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10 Hits, Last modified:
r students who decide to proceed with the course, should be considered a contract among us—with the instru... say. Those to whom listening comes more naturally should make extra effort to depart their comfort zone an... as part of a group. In both cases, presentations should be about 10 minutes long, plus a few minutes for Q&A. That isn't much time, so the duration should be well planned to be used in a way that is both
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zation you choose or others like it This project should meet the following expectations: * Format: ... individually or as part of a group. Your analysis should be written so as to have an effect for its intended audience. Written projects should be between 1,400-1,600 words, and videos between 4-6 minutes. Standards for other media should be agreed on with the instructor. Campaigns migh
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at the end of each of the course's units. Entries should be completed before class on Thursday each week. ... e somewhat longer articles. Individuals' articles should be 2,000-2,500 words, not including references, charts, or data. Pairs' articles should be 3,000-3,500. Articles should follow APA style. They should include some approximation of the these sec
9 Hits, Last modified:
. ### Objective 1: Hack Each week, each student should contribute an Exploit---a hack that addresses the... vas by sunrise on Saturday morning. Each Exploit should include a README text that explains the nature an... g/wiki/Open_format) you like. But the README text should include a full explanation and rationale. Exploits need not and should not be lengthy; their value is in the adventureso
8 Hits, Last modified:
g, or more if it is helpful for you. At least one should be a reply to a fellow student. A strong annota... ive 1: Hack *30 points* Each week, each student should contribute an Exploit---a hack that addresses the... nd rationale of the hack. Exploits need not and should not be lengthy; their value is in the adventureso... s topic and Exploit assignment. Each presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long, with slides. One
8 Hits, Last modified:
riate discussion topic for each week's unit. They should amount to the equivalent of one interesting page's worth of material. Each Intervention should: * Demonstrate a sophisticated grasp of assign... each week. ### Class discussions (30%) Students should be active participants and make contributions to ... ue to circumstances beyond the student's control, should be discussed with the instructor in advance. Bef
syntax @wiki
7 Hits, Last modified:
by\\ a whitespace \\this happens without it. You should use forced newlines only if really needed. =====... . You can use the following syntax: I think we should do it > No we shouldn't >> Well, I say we should > Really? >> Yes! >>> Then lets do it! I think we should do it > No we shouldn't >> Well, I say we shoul
6 Hits, Last modified:
informs individual and group behavior. Students should expect to come away with an enlarged perspective ... Each week before recitation on Friday, students should demonstrate their [[engagement_with_assigned_sour... to use through constructive thinking. Your pitch should: * Identify a problem, supported with evidence * Propose a solution to it, along with why we should consider it plausible * Establish a value proposi
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ld around us and devise some of our own. Students should expect to enlarge their entrepreneurial repertoir... es that their organization might take. The report should be between 1,200 and 1,500 words, formatted and w... impacts of a disruptive innovation. Each student should interview at least one person (outside the CU com... ute presentations with slides. Each presentation should cover a unique topic. Evaluation criteria are as
5 Hits, Last modified:
loped or presented by a specific source, then you should identify the source for those facts. * *Ideas.* I... ure, written work, or some other source, then you should identify the source. You should identify the source for an idea whether or not you agree with the idea. *... AI is a useful tool for many purposes, though it should not serve as a replacement for creating original
5 Hits, Last modified:
the text. Each Adventuresome Thinking assignment should be between 150 and 300 words, typed or hand-writt... t but also the process of draft and revision that should be essential to any creative effort. The assignm... not been part of your past experience. The essay should include: * An exploration of a particular aspe... -15 minutes #### Process By the end, each essay should be a polished final product. To get there we will
4 Hits, Last modified:
plan and after turning in the final report. This should ideally occur during my office hours, or by appoi... rnal about the experience. At minimum, each entry should consist of two paragraphs: * What happened in ... he experience to media studies scholarship. Books should be rigorous and critical, generally one academic-... he internship for their successor in the role. It should include rigorous engagement with insights from th
4 Hits, Last modified:
? Choose some specific features that any revision should be sure to build on. * What kind of revision should the creator focus on? Are high-level, structural changes necessary, or should the creator focus more on smaller-scale adjustmen... What are some concerns that are smaller, but that should nevertheless be considered? * Are there any exp
4 Hits, Last modified:
ations for future careers? * What further study should this course prepare us for? * What skills will ... s throughout the course? * What kinds of habits should we be practicing on a daily or weekly basis? * ... tion * What are the activities that our grades should reflect? * What activities should not be graded? * How can we break each activity down to ensure it i
3 Hits, Last modified:
tement. Diverse mediums are welcome, and students should plan to use different mediums from epoch to epoch... 300-500-word statement accompanying the artifact should explain it to the class, connecting it to the cur... very word of the assigned materials; rather, they should generally familiarize themselves with all and cho
2 Hits, Last modified:
1 Hits, Last modified:
1 Hits, Last modified: