Fulltext results:
- introduction_to_social_media
- ariety of published sources. Second, identify a specific intended audience. Audiences might include parent... ately formatted to introduce the platform to your specific intended audience (and make clear who they are).
- academic_honesty
- source or consult your instructor. Here are some specific guidelines to follow: * *Quotations.* Whenever y... or if the facts were developed or presented by a specific source, then you should identify the source for t
- global_media_literacy
- g PDF or another platform-independent format. The specific objectives for each presentation assignment are d... media lives. Each student will identify a unique, specific media entity they regularly interact with—for ins
- media_activism
- connections. Come to class prepared with notes on specific quotations and ideas that you want to discuss. #
- peer_review
- hink is working best about the draft? Choose some specific features that any revision should be sure to buil
- internships
- n-depth engagement with both the book's ideas and specific aspects of your experience. ## Final: Successor
- connected_media_practices
- options could be explored * Present one or two specific, plausible strategies, weighing their costs and b
- syntax @wiki
- namespaces see [[doku>namespaces]]. Linking to a specific section is possible, too. Just add the section na
- scholarly_sources
- icles" are expected for an assignment, this has a specific meaning. It means a certain class of journals or