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ic honesty: a practice of actively embracing the task of creating original work and crediting the contr
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urces. If we have a guest speaker, be prepared to ask excellent questions. One strategy is to make grea... ) * Eric Steven Raymond and Rick Moen, "[How To Ask Questions The Smart Way]( 014) * A sort-of reply: Julia Evans, "[How to Ask Good Questions]( can change what you can do. Try on a new online mask---on a social network, an online game, or a creat
1 Hits, Last modified:
Engagement **MDST 5002** Depending on whom you ask, media-powered activism can sound like either a s
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r. Better yet, reference those materials when you ask your question, explaining what about them isn't c... as you can what you're having trouble with. Don't ask for general, broad information about the course o
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aker before they come so you are well-equipped to ask questions. ### Log-in _Humans_: "[Preface: Abou