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2 Hits, Last modified:
ndicate the exact source of the material. I recommend using quotation only when the precise phrasing of... teworthy or significant; otherwise, paraphrasing tends to be easier on your reader. * *Paraphrasing.* A
8 Hits, Last modified:
er skills and the confidence to acquire more independently * Apply lessons from and against hacker cu... twice in the semester---at the midterm and at the end. #### Annotations Using Hypothesis on the assig... liminary, and we'll work on them in class. No attendance will be taken in class. However, showing up a... class period of the presentation begins. At the end of the presentation, student presenters will lead
5 Hits, Last modified:
Activism and Public Engagement **MDST 5002** Depending on whom you ask, media-powered activism can so... e twice: at the middle of the semester and at the end. Students are expected to: * Engage actively a... for impact, reflecting an understanding of the intended audience * Propose an intended medium and the scope of project deliverables, including rationale
3 Hits, Last modified:
eting around the midterm assignment is also recommended. Be sure to turn assignments in at least 48 ho... dbook Before the last scheduled office hours the end of the term, you will turn in a handbook about ho... e two books that you read. The length may vary depending on context, but a good target is about 2,000 w
1 Hits, Last modified:
ards), which will be used for evaluation. Our friends at CU Denver have developed [CROWDLAAERS](https:
5 Hits, Last modified:
disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation or political philosophy.  For m... with scheduled exams, assignments or required attendance. See the [campus policy regarding religious ... MCI strives to be a community whose excellence depends on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We aim to u
2 Hits, Last modified:
the recipient. * **Be brief**. Too many people spend too much of their lives weeding through email. Fo... every email is another few minutes they're not spending on their research or mentorship. Help make the
10 Hits, Last modified:
e Media Studies department with active research agendas. They will work with the instructor on teaching... assumption that you will not hear back during weekends, holidays, or evenings. ## Nodes The coursewor... d provided in class. Be sure to bring a Canvas-friendly device to class. Quizzes are meant to be taken... will have their lowest quiz grade dropped at the end of the course. ### Quests (25%) Each week befor
1 Hits, Last modified:
roject or proposed course of action, generally intended for limited circulation among readers directly
4 Hits, Last modified:
and fellow students is welcome and encouraged. Attendance will not be taken formally, but meaningful pa... g. Evaluation takes place at the midterm and the end of the course, with each evaluation period weight... teria are as follows: * Compelling proof of attendance at the event * Insightful, 300-500 word ref... amage-cae17f6d3379)" (February 25, 2021) #### 5. Endgames * Peter Thiel with Blake Masters, _[Zero to