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tations.* Whenever you use a phrase, sentence, or longer passage written (or spoken) by someone else, yo
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ty rubric: * Clear explanation of the Exploit along with supporting evidence * Creative implementat... ch presentation should be no more than 10 minutes long, with slides. One student in the group should tur
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ry and [[:scholarly sources|scholarly sources]], along with at least two assigned texts from the course ... will be reading classics in social-change theory alongside two books by leading media scholars: * Zey
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deas and motivations surrounding the internship, along with any challenges you face on the job. A meetin
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ported with evidence * Propose a solution to it, along with why we should consider it plausible * Establ
3 Hits, Last modified:
ion, students will share interviewees' insights, alongside an explanation of the nature of the disruptio... ted communities by each student (duly credited), along with contextual data on social impacts * Meanin... )" _Vox_ (Aug 17, 2023) #### 6. Capitalism, all along * Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, [preamble and