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schedule of readings for the course. One book is required that must be acquired independently: Edward Snow
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rces]]. Please discuss any particular support you require with the instructor. ## Shared texts Throughout
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there. ## Student responsibilities Internships require extra work on the part of faculty, so it is your
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# Hypothesis Several of my courses require the use of the [Hypothesis annotation platform](http://hypothes
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Compliance]( ## Requirements for Infectious Diseases Members of the CU B... rsity, department, and building health and safety requirements and all applicable campus policies and publi... infectious diseases. If public health conditions require, the university may also invoke related requirements for student conduct and disability accommodation that
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Poetics_ (MIT Press, 2016) [campus network access required] Artifact: [First Versions: Internet](https://w
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eadings should be available online. Some readings require using the university network (either on campus or