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_feature/runa-sandvik.php)," _Columbia Journalism Review_ (April 17, 2023) **Exploit: Plot a world takeov... munication practices and identify improvements.** Review some of your regular practices, digital and other
5 Hits, Last modified:
gful social change. Students will constructively review complete drafts of each other's projects before s... the same specifications as the proposal * Peer review: **(10%)** * Provide feedback for at least tw... ts, of at least two paragraphs each, with [[:peer review|these suggestions]] in mind * Final draft: **(4... on that is polished, compelling, informed by peer review, and ready to deploy * Include a project stat
3 Hits, Last modified:
t least 48 hours before we meet so I have time to review them. ## Midterm: Book review At the beginning, we will agree on two books that you will read during th... erm, you will turn in an approximately 1,300-word review of the first book, highlighting key insights and
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ic integrity policy. **For more details, please review my [Academic Honesty](academic_honesty) page.**
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China (January 4, 2022) **[Not working anymore! [Review this instead]( "[Social Media and Mental Health: A Collaborative Review](
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d assigned materials, including at least two peer-reviewed [[scholarly sources]] and relevant market data,... d assigned materials, including at least two peer-reviewed [[scholarly sources]] and relevant market data,... hat-is-disruptive-innovation),” _Harvard Business Review_ (December 1, 2015) * Jill Lepore, "[The Disrupti