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9 Hits, Last modified:
is completely dominant. The world has dorkified itself.*---Mercer in Dave Eggers, _The Circle_ (2013) #... urce code, and other media. If your media are not self-explanatory, include a [README](https://en.wikipe... nization should do about it. The final product itself should be a convincing hoax in the voice and visu... your hacker philosophy to the world. Identify yourself any way you like or not at all. Seek to recruit,
4 Hits, Last modified:
f what qualifies it as disruptive * Evidence of self-directed research beyond assigned materials, incl... f what qualifies it as disruptive * Evidence of self-directed research beyond assigned materials, incl... de proof of participation (such as a photo of yourself there or of you and your screen). Evaluation crit... ted to class off during meetings If you find yourself in a position where lack of access to food, housi
3 Hits, Last modified:
a network *that you have never regularly used yourself* from the provided list. Try it out, and learn ev... de all content on the linked pages, including the self-quizzes and "related content." For extra credit,... e a guest speaker. Please plan to familiarize yourself with the guest speaker before they come so you ar
2 Hits, Last modified:
particular interest, as well as familiarizing oneself with the works as a whole and thinking critically... ium. The proposal, as well as the final project itself, should reflect a sophisticated grasp of the them
1 Hits, Last modified:
misleading. The underlying data an AI uses may itself be a form of plagiarism, which compounds the ethi