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1 Hits, Last modified:
ry to provide a source. (In a paper on American history, for example, it would not ordinarily be necessar
4 Hits, Last modified:
ent (5 points) * Contextualize in culture and history, documenting additional research with both [[:sch... rd_ (Metropolitan Books, 2019). ### 1. Version history * Edward Snowden, _Permanent Record_ (Metropol... world that doesn't exist yet. Make a map, tell a story, provide a timeline, or offer some other picture ... 's Retire the Hacker Ideal](
4 Hits, Last modified:
ide range of social-change campaigns throughout history and around the world * Articulate a theory of c... eautiful Rising](, or the [Global Nonviolent Action Database](http... eautiful Rising](, or the [Global Nonviolent Action Database](http... sten-to-walidahs-umass-amherst-sci-fi-speech)," History Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst (
1 Hits, Last modified:
net-maps)," _Vox_ (June 2, 2014) Quest: Choose a story in _Rest of World_ about a country outside the Un
1 Hits, Last modified:
the process at hand. There's some interesting [history of the medium and the term](https://en.wikipedia.
8 Hits, Last modified:
Comprehension of the disruption, including its history, market dynamics, and what qualifies it as disrup... anizational vessels * Venkatesh Rao, "[A Brief History of the Corporation: 1600 to 2100](," _Ribbonfarm_ ... Schumpeter, "[The Creative Response in Economic History](,"