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tificial intelligence.* Generative AI is a useful tool for many purposes, though it should not serve as
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points* Computers count from zero, so hackers do too. Students are responsible for contributing to di... around. Show us what you can do with a neglected tool. ### 2. White, black, gray * Edward Snowden,... tells, 82-105 (Polity, 2017) **Exploit: Devise a tool that disrupts a gatekeeper.** What is in the way
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dom House, 1971) * Audre Lorde, "['The Master's Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master's House,'](http... org/images/2/2b/Lorde_Audre_1983_2003_The_Masters_Tools_Will_Never_Dismantle_the_Masters_House.pdf)" in... ci, _Twitter and Tear Gas_ ### 4. "A protester's tools" * Part II in Tufekci, _Twitter and Tear Gas
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e accessible through [this experimental analytics tool]( ttps://, a analytics tool. Currently, however, it only includes annotation
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tom. Emails aren't formal letters, but if they're too conversational, or include bad grammar or punctua... ess on the part of the recipient. * **Be brief**. Too many people spend too much of their lives weeding through email. For a professor, every email is anoth... t to help you if we notice that you're passionate too. If appropriate, mention something about the cour
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explain the basics of it. Today, most commercial tools are designed to be used without any documentati..." Artifact: [Feminist Principles for the Intern