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AI-Regulations.pdf).]** Quest: Devise a law that would improve social-media regulation, explaining its rationale, how it would be enforced, and what new problems it might cause... ropose a manifesto of principles that you believe would make the Internet more just ### Activism _Human
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he possibilities of free culture, or what culture would be like if it were really free. Show us what you ... imitations and possible defenses against it. What would you do with the power you obtain? Let your imagin... to implement it, especially if it's risky---that would clear the way. Bypass a government, master the un
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(In a paper on American history, for example, it would not ordinarily be necessary to give a source for ... ornell_phd.pdf) outputs than what a skilled human would create. AI outputs are often factually incorrect
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orporation, outlining the basic protocol for what would become the Internet * [The Bitcoin whitepaper](